Lightning Reins

Aura: Strong Conjuration; CL: 11th

Slot: -; Price: 8,000 gp; Wgt: 1 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: ECB, pg. 262


Fashioned as reins similar to that for a carriage, these must be attached to an elemental bound craft that travels through along the surface of the ground, like either a Lightning Rail Engine, which is where the item gets its name, or a Tumbler. When gripped by someone with the Dimension Door dragonmarked spell-like ability from the Lesser Mark of Passage, they can use one use of their Dimension Door spell-like abilities to force their will on the bound elemental, providing a +10 morale bonus to checks to control the lightning rail for up to their caster level in rounds. This does not allow the craft to do something that it would not normally be able to do, such as a lightning rail to leave the path of Conductor Stones.

This item does not provide any benefit when used with a normal Dimension Door spell, only the dragonmarked spell-like ability of the same name from the Mark of Passage.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Bind Elemental, Dimension Door, Planar Binding, creator must have the Mark of Passage

Construction Cost: 3,200 gp; a Siberys dragonshard worth at least 800 gp