Unseen Crafter

School: Conjuration (creation); Level: Artificer 2, bard 2, cleric / oracle 2, magus 2, sorcerer / wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Components: V,S

Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)

Target: One invisible, mindless servant

Duration: 1 day / level (D)

Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

Source: RoE, pg. 191

This spell acts as Unseen Servant with the following changes. The servant is skilled in and comes equipped with the necessary tools for a single Craft skill, chosen at the time of casting. The skill modifier for this Craft skill is equal to your caster level plus your spellcasting attribute. The Unseen Crafter can take 10 on Craft checks and can be assigned to work more quickly, as per the Craft rules. It also does not tire, allowing it work for 24 hours per day, tripling the rate of work. However, it is not quiet, thus sleeping while it is working requires it to be far enough away to not hear it.

Unseen Crafters do have a few significant downfalls that prevent them from replacing the common workforce. Once a task has been given, it cannot be changed or repeated. Likewise, the Unseen Crafter spell ends when the work is finished or is otherwise not capable of being finished. Lastly, any attempt to interfere, no matter how minor, with the work of an Unseen Crafter causes the entire project to fail and ruins all of the raw materials unless the caster is present to end the spell prematurely, as the Unseen Crafter will continue attempting to work under the false assumption that some other key part is finished.

Unseen Crafters used to repair constructs or humanoids with the living construct subtype get a +10 circumstance bonus to the check. Unseen Crafters do not use any tools other than the ones that were created with them and are not intelligent, thus do not gain benefits from competence, luck, morale, profane or sacred bonuses or circumstance bonuses from tools (but they do gain circumstance bonuses from other sources).