Heavy Legs

Price: 20,000 gp; Slot: Legs; Type: Construct; Weight: 20 lb; Install DC: 30; Implantation Value: 4

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 6th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: FoE, pg. 158

Description: By replacing both (or all) of your legs with the legs of a construct, any exhaustion condition you suffer is automatically downgraded to the fatigue condition and any fatigue conditions you would suffer, except for those that were already downgraded, do not affect you at all. However, because of the odd shift in your center of balance, you receive a -2 penalty to Acrobatics and Swim checks, but gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your CMD for resisting bull rush, overrun, reposition and trip attempts. Lastly, you gain damage reduction 2 / adamantine. This damage reduction stacks with other construct implants. This implant is designed for recipients with two legs and the benefits do not function unless all of the legs have been replaced. (although the penalty to Acrobatics and Swim still applies). If the recipient has more than two legs, the cost is increased by 50% and the implantation value is increased by 1 per leg beyond the second.


Craft DC: 24; Cost: 5,000 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (construct), Ant Haul, Bear's Endurance

Donor Requirement: Legs from a construct that has the same number of legs as the recipient