Essence Reaver

What looked like a stunted black dragon just laughed at us as the team's wizard threw spell after spell at it. It seemed that no matter what ol' D'lanz threw at it, it was could just shrug it off. It wasn't until D'lanz shifted tactics and started manipulating the ground under the thing's feet that it sneer and growled.... "My turn...."

It then threw everything that D'lanz threw at it back at us. Killed D'lanz and three others of our crew. But in the end, a simple iron dagger in the spine took down the beast. Since then, I never travel with a wizard I couldn't kill with my own bare hands.

Essence Reaver

CR 9

XP: 6,400

CE Large Aberration

Init: +7; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, scent, Detect Magic; Perception +12


AC: 23, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural)

HP: 91 (14d8+28)

Fort: +8; Ref: +9; Will: +12 (+3 against spells, spell-like abilities, psionic powers and psi-like abilities)

DR: 10 / magic

Immune: fear, paralysis, sleep; SR: 20 (see Absorb Essence)


Speed: 60 ft.

Melee: Bite +15 (2d6+6 and persistent wound), 2 claws +13 (1d6+3 and persistent wound) and tail slap +13 (2d8+3 and absorb essence)

Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 10 ft.

Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 14th, concentration +17)

Constant - Detect Magic

3 / day - True Seeing

1 / day - Locate Creature, Locate Object


Str 22, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 16, Chr 16

Base Atk: +10; CMB: +17; CMD: 30

Feats: Ability Focus (Absorb Essence), Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite, tail), Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack

Skills: Acrobatics +12, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (psionics) +6, Perception +12, Survival +12

Languages: Dal Quor, Draconic


Absorb Essence (Su): When an essence reaver strikes with its tail slap, in addition to the damage dealt, a certain amount of magical or psionic energy is feed back to the essence reaver, hence its name. The same effect occurs anytime that the spell resistance of an essence reaver overcomes an effect or when the essence reaver is struck by a magic weapon. The effect this has is dependent on which of the following scenarios apply. Any saving throw mentioned is DC 22 and is Charisma based, including the benefit of the Ability Focus feat.

Struck Spellcaster: If the essence reaver successfully strikes a target that is capable of casting spells, the target must make a Fortitude save or loose his highest spell memorized spell or highest spell slot available. The essence reaver instinctively knows which spells of the highest level are either memorized or available to be cast and chooses one. The essence reaver then absorbs this spell, noting the victim's attributes (see Release Essence). Artificer infusions and alchemist extracts are considered spells for the purposes of this ability.

Struck Psionic Manifester: If the essence reaver successfully strikes a target that is capable of manifesting psionic powers, the target must make a Fortitude save or loose a number of power points equal to his manifester level. The essence reave instinctively knows which powers of the highest level are available to manifest and chooses one. The essence reaver has absorbed this power, noting the victim's attributes (see Release Essence).

Struck Wielder of Spell-Like or Psi-like Ability: If the essence reaver successfully strikes a target that is capable of using spell-like or psi-like abilities, the target must make a Fortitude save. If unsuccessful, the essence reaver instantly learns what the highest level spell-like or psi-like abilities are and chooses one. The victim looses a use of the choosen spell-like or psi-like aiblity, noting the victim's attributes (see Release Essence).

Was Struck by Effect: If the essence reaver's spell resistance successfully overcomes an effect that specifically targets it and only it, the effect is absorbed, noting the caster or manifester level (see Release Essence).

Magical Item or Psionic Item (Struck or Was Struck): If the essence reaver successfully strikes, or is struck by a target that is wearing, carrying or wielding a magical or psionic item, the target must make a Fortitude save. If unsuccessful, the essence reaver instantly knows which magical and psionic items the target has on his person and chooses one. A portion of the essence reaver's body instantly distorts to loosely resemble the item in question. If the magical or psionic item was a single use item, the target's item is destroyed and a duplicate effect is now in one of the essence reaver's scales, usable in the same fashion (potion, scroll, etc). If the magical item has charges, that item looses one charge and a duplicate effect of one charge worth is now in one of the essence reaver's scales, usable in the same fashion (wand, dorje, etc). If the magical or psionic item was one or more permanent effects, the target's item is suppressed, as if a successful Dispel Magic was cast, for 1d6 rounds. The essence reaver's body then produces the same effect. When the original magical item is no longer suppressed, the essence reaver looses the effect(s).

If more than one of these scenarios is a valid choose in the same action, only one applies, as chosen by the essence reaver at the time of the action. There is no limit to the number of essences an essence reaver can absorb, but they can only be retained for 1 hour before fading.

Enforced Magic-Psionics Transparency (Su): The Detect Magic spell-like ability that an essence reaver has is equally tuned to detect magic and psionics. If you are not using the magic-psionic transparency rule in your game, then the essence reaver also gains Detect Psionics as a constant psi-like like ability at ML 14th.

Magic-Psionic Resistant (Ex): Essence reavers get a bonus to any saving throws made to resist spells, spell-like abilities, psionic powers or psi-like abilities equal to their Charisma modifier.

Persistent Wound (Su): Any wounds caused by the natural attacks of an essence reaver, except their tail slap, are actively disruptive to non-natural healing. Any attempt to heal such wounds require either a caster level or manifester check, DC 20. The DC for this check is determined like a creature's saving throw DC and is Charisma based.

Release Essence (Su): Through the use of its Absorb Essence ability, the essence reaver can get stored spells and psionic powers that it can in turn release. The caster or manifester level, saving throw DC, metamagic or metapsionic feats, etc of the stored spell, power, spell-like ability or psi-like ability is exactly the same as the original casting or manifesting. The action to cast, manifest or activate is the same. Any material components are not needed. The essence reaver chooses when, within the following hour, to release it and what the valid targets for the effect is.

Stunning Screech (Su): Up to three times per day, an essence reaver can howl a terrible screech. All in 30 feet must make a Fortitude save, DC 20, or be stunned for 1 round. The save DC is Charisma based.


Environment: Warm to temperate deserts

Organization: Solitary or pack (4-6)

Treasure: None

Role: Combat

Source: SoS, pg. 147

Rumored to have been the result of a infernal-draconic hybrid, essence reavers are nasty, temperamental, hunger creatures that are just intelligent enough to be a threat to even unsuspecting dragons and fiends. Superficially looking like a stunted black dragon without wings, essence reavers are fast land-based predators that have an affinity for locating and feeding on magic and psionic energy. In their mind, the two different types of energy are equally tasty and they will feed on whatever source they can get their claws on. Chief among their defenses is their tail, which is tipped with a rune-encrusted barb that are often used as the based for a Rod of Negation.