Legs of the Undying Marcher

Price: 18,000 gp; Slot: Legs; Type: Deathless; Weight: 16 lb; Install DC: 30; Implantation Value: 4

Aura: Moderate Necromancy; CL: 9th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: MoE, pg. 129

Description: By replacing both of your own legs with the legs of a deathless creature, you never tire or take damage or fatigue from a forced match. If you do not need to sleep, you can continue to walk indefinitely. The legs still retain some of their martial skill, providing a +4 circumstance bonus to your CMB and CMD for bull rush, overrun, reposition and trip attempts. Also, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves versus poison and disease. The bonus to saves versus poison and disease stacks with other deathless implants. This implant is designed for creatures with two legs and does not provide any function unless all of the legs are replaced. If the recipient has more than two legs, the cost is increased by 25% and implantation value is increased by 1 for each leg beyond the second.


Craft DC: 24; Cost: 4,500 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (deathless), Lesser Restoration

Donor Requirement: All legs from a deathless creature that has the same number of legs as the recipient.