Clothier's Closet

School: Conjuration (creation); Level: Bard 2, sorcerer / wizard 2

Casting Time: 1 action

Components: V,S,F (a closet rod, a staff or similar straight piece of wood)

Range: Touch

Target: 1 outfit per caster level

Duration: 1 hour / level

Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

Source: MoE, pg. 94

The magic of this spell suspends the closet rod in mid-air and causes a number of outfits to appear from nothing. The caster determines one outfit per caster level as well as all aspects of the outfit (size, color, style, etc) and so long as the intended wearer(s) are present when the spell is cast, they fit appropriately. The outfits created this way cannot cost more than 100 gp each, but they do not radiate magic. If used to create uniforms or disguises to conceal identities (but not impersonate a specific person), the clothing reduces the time needed for the Disguise checks to 1 minute and the caster makes one Disguise check for everyone. When the spell ends, the clothing created crumbles to threads.

This spell cannot create an outfit that has an armor bonus to Armor Class, but the other bonuses for specialized clothing does apply.