Homunculus, Dedicated Wright

A small, malformed humanoid stands over a piece of armor easily twice its size; its small hammer ringing in the pattern of a practiced blacksmith. Underneath its diminutive hands, you can see the familiar sigils of arcane power begin to take shape along the interlocking plates of the plate mail. It looks up, noticing your presence with dull blue eyes, and, after deciding that that you are not important to its work, continues hammering away.

Homunculus, Dedicated Wright

CR 1/2

XP: 200

Any Alignment (same as creator) Tiny Construct

Init: +0; Senses: low-light vision, darkvision 60'; Perception +0


AC: 12, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 12 (+2 size)

HP: 5 hp (1d10)

Fort: +0; Ref: +0; Will: +0

Immune: Construct Traits


Speed: 10'

Melee: Hammer +4 (1d3+1)

Space: 2 1/2 ft.; Reach: 0 ft.


Str 12, Dex 11, Con -, Int 10, Wis 11, Chr 7

Base Atk: +1; CMB: +0; CMD: 10

Feats: Skill Focus (Craft: any one)

Skills: Craft (any one) +7, Craft (any one other) +4


Item Creation (Su): A dedicate wright can be commanded to perform the necessary tasks related to magical item creation on behalf of its master. The master must meet or emulate all the necessary prerequisites, have the appropriate tools for the dedicated wright to use and pay item creation cost for the necessary raw materials. The wright then is able to perform the necessary tasks, spending the necessary time and leaving the master to continue with other projects. It takes 1 hour to give the dedicated wright the necessary commands to make a magical item and a dedicated wright can only work on one item at a time. Otherwise, it acts as the master, using his skill ranks, caster level, feats, spells known and all other aspects related for the magical item creation process as they are at the time the commands were given.

A dedicated wright can be commanded to abandon any progress toward a magical item, but if it starts a new project, any progress toward the original project is lost. If the magical item creation can benefit from teamwork, multiple dedicated wrights can be commanded to work together, although dedicated wrights from multiple masters must all qualify normally to assist. Lastly, dedicated wrights can be commanded to use their Craft skills for mundane projects, but they use their own Craft modifiers for these mundane projects.

Telepathic Link (Su): Dedicated wrights cannot speak, but maintain a constant telepathic link to their master. Through this link, they instantly understand everything their master desires, knows what he knows and can provide complete understanding of their surroundings back to their master. This link is maintained regardless of the distance, but going more than 1,500' causes a noticeably nervousness within the construct. A dedicated wright will never willing go beyond this range unless it is required as part of a task assigned to them via their Item Creation ability. Should a dedicated wright be forced outside of this distance and does not have a project to complete, it will stand guard over its finished project (if any) and attempt to return to their master with the project. For masters that do a lot of travelling, this often requires that the laboratory that the dedicate wright is using remains firmly locked.


Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary

Treasure: None

Role: None

Source: ECB, pg. 285

Dedicated wrights are a staple of the artificers of Eberron, often working in small copies of their master's laboratory, each with a different project, and maximizing their master's creation time. Physically, they look like small, pale, lumpy humanoids only a foot tall. While not frightening in the least, they are by no means pleasing to the eye. Like all homunculi, should a dedicated wright be destroyed, its master takes 2d10 points of damage and should the master be destroyed, or the telepathic link somehow becomes severed, the dedicated wright goes insane, loosing its Intelligence, feats, skills and the Item Creation ability.


Dedicated wrights are made from sculptor's clay, paint, glaze and one pint of blood. This body costs 100 gp. After the form is sculpted and baked in a kiln, it is animated through magical rites, requiring an additional 1,000 gp worth of reagents and arcane materials. The person who donated the blood, which is not necessarily the creator, is the dedicated wright's master. When a dedicated wright is created, the enchanter chooses two Craft skills, one of which must be chosen for the dedicated wrights Skill Focus (Craft) feat. Once these choices are made, they cannot be changed for that particular dedicated wright. Dedicated wrights can be created with additional hit dice, each additional an additional 2,000 gp to the base cost.

Caster Level: 7th; Price: 2,100 gp

Requirements: Craft Construct, arcane eye, fabricate; Skill: Craft (sculpture) DC 14; Cost: 1,100 gp.