Ioun Stone, Clear Sphere

Aura: Moderate Divination; CL: 12th

Slot: Slotless; Price: 9,000 gp; Wgt: -

Source: ECB, pg. 264

Description: This ioun stone gives you the ability to see through it. This requires concentration and the sphere is still 1d3 feet from your head at all times. If you are affected by blindness, you can still move normally, although you still suffer concealment for attacks. If you have this ioun stone implanted in your forehead, you negate the concealment as well. People also implant it in the palm of their hand to see around corners while staying in full cover. It is possible to target the Clear Sphere Ioun Stone separately with a blindness effect.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Clairsentience

Construction Cost: 4,500 gp