
Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 5th

Slot: Slotless; Price: 38,000 gp; Wgt: 50 lbs

Source: S:CoT, pg. 171

Description: This crystal disc is only three feet in diameter. Controlled by thought, it automatically activates when stepped on. While active, the Soarsled has a fly speed of 60 (average) and an effective Strength of 20 for determining light, medium and heavy load. Guiding a soarsled can be done with Acrobatics or Fly as a free action, whichever skill the controller is better at. However, use of a Soarsled by a Large or larger creature requires a Climb check, DC 20, to hang on while prone (assuming that it can support the increased weight). It is important to note that the rider of a Soarsled is not attached it. Thus, bull rush, grapple, reposition and trip maneuvers could all possibly cause the Soarsled to continue, leaving the rider behind in the square that the attempt was made in. An uncontrolled Soarsled will continue the rest of its movement for the turn in a straight line and then come to a halt. If necessary, treat this as a bull rush attempt with a CMB of +5. If two or people are attempting to control a Soarsled at the same time, an opposed Charisma check is needed at the beginning of every round.

Soarsleds are made of reinforced crystal (hardness 5, 60 hit points).

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Floating Disc, Fly

Construction Cost: 19,000 gp

Soarsled, Greater

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 11th

Slot: Slotless; Price: 76,000 gp; Wgt: 200 lbs

Source: SoX, pg. 146

Description: A Greater Soarsled, also known as a Firesled, is a larger version of a normal Soarsled, being 6 feet in diameter. This allows two Medium creatures or one Large creature to ride one, usually prone. The Greater Soarsled is handled exactly like a normal Soarsled, but with a fly speed of 120 (poor). An uncontrolled Greater Soarsled has a CMB of +10 to resolve it's crash.

Greater Soarsleds are made of reinforced crystal (hardness 5, 300 hit points).

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Floating Disc, Fly

Construction Cost: 38,000 gp