Wondrous Vehicles

Wondrous Vehicles are magical items that are large enough that they are not carried or held, by instead are operated by a pilot, similar in scope the Vehicle Rules from Ultimate Combat. Like the other vehicles presented, Wondrous Vehicles require a pilot that is responsible for making the necessary initiative, pilot checks and other rolls involved for navigating a vehicle. Likewise, they follow all of the other rules for Vehicle Rules, including facing, turning and ramming. Unlike other vehicles, all Wondrous Vehicles are universally magical and quite expensive. While their presence is common enough that most townsfolk have at least heard of what they are, they are still rare enough that they are not seen every day. Finally, each Wondrous Vehicle has some limitations in their operation that separate them from their mundane counterparts.

Here is the list of known Wondrous Vehicles.

While wondrous vehicles are built like normal magical items, all wondrous vehicles are at least Large sized and have the following statistics.

Size Vehicle

Size: # of 30' squares long (actual dimensions); Cost: # gp

Aura: Strong Conjuration; Caster Level: #th;

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (type, HD, usually an elemental)


AC: #; Hardness: #

HP: # hp (Important parts)

Base Save: +#


Maximum Speed: #; Acceleration: #

Weapons: #

CMB: +# (size); CMD: 10 + CMB

Ramming Damage: 1d8, 2d8, 4d8 or 8d8



Propulsion: Magic (Elemental Bound)

Driving Check: Checks to control the ship

Forward Facing: Ship's forward

Driving Device: Elemental Helm

Driving Space: Nine squares on top deck, aft platform, around the Elemental Helm

Means of Propulsion: Elemental Bound Khyber dragonshard

Crew: #

Decks: #

Cargo: # tons, # passengers


The various limitations that the wondrous vehicle has in its operation.


Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Bind Elemental, other

Cost: Other

Text description