Living Maximized Disintegrate

Nothing... simply nothing... That is all that is left in the wake of this massive, undulating form of sickening green energy. It has literally left a uniform hole in side of the castle wall, the barn, the burial mound outside of town, and the side of the mountain it came from. Even the trail it leaves behind is a trough a foot deep. And the scary thing that occurs to you is if this thing can burrow right through anything, why hasn't it burrowed all the way through the ground.

Living Maximized Disintegrate

CR 18

XP: 153,600

Neutral Huge Ooze

Init: +0; Senses: blindsight 60'; Perception +3


AC: 20, Touch 17, Flat-Footed 20 (+9 deflection, -2 size, +3 natural)

HP: 212 (17d8+136)

Fort: +13; Ref: +5; Will: +8

DR: 10 / magic

SR: 27


Speed: 60'

Melee: Slam +22 (2d6+18 & Spell Effect)

Space: 15 ft.; Reach: 15 ft.


Str 35, Dex 11, Con 27, Int -, Wis 16, Chr 19

Base Atk: +12; CMB: +26; CMD: 45

Spell Effect (Su): Each time the Living Spell successfully strikes a target with its slam attack, that target is affected by Maximized Disintegrate at Caster Level: 17th (204 points of damage, Fortitude DC 22 for 30 points). If the target has spell resistance, the Living Spell's caster level check is made once per strike, either allowing all spells or no spells to apply to the target.

Engulf (Ex): As per monster rules, Reflex DC: 30. The saving throw DC is Strength-based.

Spell Engulf (Su): Creatures that successfully engulfed are subject to Maximized Disintegrate at Caster Level: 17th (204 points of damage, Fortitude DC 22 for 30 points) each round. If a target has spell resistance, the Living Spell's caster level check is made only once per round per target, either allowing all spells or no spells to apply as appropriate. As the engulfed creatures are considered pinned, this will appropriately alter their saving throws.


Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary

Treasure: None

Role: None

Source: ECB, pg. 293 and personally created

This is example of what happens when magic, specifically the Disintegrate spell with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, becomes twisted and congealed into a Living Spell, via the Living Spell template. Like all oozes, Living Spells are mindless, reactionary and has the standard ooze traits.