Vulkoor's Headdress
Aura: Strength School; CL: 7th
Slot: Neck; Price: 18,000 gp; Wgt: 4 lbs
Source: SoX, pg. 147
Description: This crown is made of a preserved scorpion, embalmed in bronze and adorn with rare beads. The wearer gains a +5 sacred bonus to Stealth checks and gains tremorsense of 30 feet. Once per day, the wearer can cast Poison and Summon Monster IV, but the only monster able to be summoned is a fiendish giant scorpion. From a purely social aspect, any non-drow wearing a Vulkoor's Headdress immediately gets a Hostile reaction of all drow that worshop Vulkoor (and the vast majority do).
Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Invisibility, Poison, Summon Monster IV, creator must be a drow
Construction Cost: 9,000 gp