Swift Ready

School: Conjuration (teleportation); Level: Artificer 2, bard 2, magus 2, summoner 2

Casting Time: 1 minute (see text)

Components: V,S

Range: Touch

Target: Up to three items touched

Duration: 24 hours or until discharged

Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

Source: FoW, pg. 117

When you can this spell, you can touch up to three unattended items; one suit of armor or clothes and two items that can be wielded in one hand each. These one-handed items can be shields, weapons, wands or any other item that and can be carried or, in the case of weapons, wielded in one hand. You can choose to forgo the two one-handed items for a single two-handed item. A container can be targeted as a single item (one or two handed, based on its size) and it does encompass whatever is in that item at the time that the spell is cast.

At any point in time during the next 24 hours, you can, as a swift action, cause all of these targeted items to teleport to your person simultaneously, appearing in your hands or, in the case of armor or containers, on your person instantly and in the correct position. These items must be on the same plane as you and must still be unattended when you activate this part of the spell. Attempts to summon items that are not on the same plane or are attended cause that particular item not to appear. Items placed in targeted containers after the original casting of this spell do not get brought along. If the container holds an extradimensional space, such as a Bag of Holding, any item that was placed in it after the original casting of the spell and still is in the container when it is summoned is lost forever in the Ethereal Plane. Regardless of how many items are successfully summoned, using this part of the spell immediately ends the spell's duration.