Quori - Subtype

Quori are a race of outsiders, native to the plane of Dal Quor, also known as the Plane of Dreams. While they are usually evil outsiders, there is some evidence to support that not all of them are evil. Unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry, all quori possess the following traits.

    • Aligned Natural Weapons (Su): All quori natural attacks are considered evil-aligned and law-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

    • Energy Resistance (Ex): Quori have resistance to acid 10, cold 10 and electricity 10

    • Greater Teleport (Su): On the plane of Dal Quor, quori can use Greater Teleport at will, as the spell (caster level equal to HD, minimum of 13th), except that the quori can only transport itself and up to 50 pounds of material. This ability does not function on other planes, include the Material Plane.

    • Immunities (Ex): Quori are immune to fear, charm and sleep effects.

    • Power Resistance (Ex): Quori have power resistance equal to 11 + its Hit Dice. In games where the magic-psionics equivalency rule is used, this also covers spell resistance equal to 11 + its Hit Dice.

    • See in Darkness (Su): Quori can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including supernatural darkness like from the Deeper Darkness spell.

    • Telepathy (Su): Quori can communicate telepathically with any other creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Most quori also have a number of supernatural abilities that function the same way. They are detailed here for a common reference.

Invade Dreams (Su): All quori have this ability, but it is only usable if the quori physically resides in Dal Quor. Once per day, as a standard action, the quori can target a single sentient creature on the Material Plane with either a Dream or Nightmare spell. In either case, the caster level for this is the quori's Hit Dice, to a minimum of 9. When using the Dream option, the quori can disguise himself as per the Alter Self spell, but only within the scope of the Dream effect. The DC of this ability is Charisma based.

Possession (Su): All quori have the possession ability in order to enter a willing host. Unlike a typical possession, the host must be willing, if not necessarily well informed, and must have a Charisma of 9 or higher. If the host's Charisma ever falls below 9, the quori invader is immediately vented into an adjacent square.

Source: ECB, pg. 296