Banish Dragonmark

School: Abjuration; Level: Cleric / oracle 5, inquisitor 4, sorcerer / wizard 5, witch 5

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Components: V,S,M,DF (a pinch of Eberron dragonshard dust)

Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)

Target: One dragonmarked creature

Duration: 1 day / level

Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

Source: DGM, pg. 148

If the target of this spell fails their saving throw, they are prevented from using any and all uses of their dragonmark spell-like abilities for the duration of the spell. Likewise, they lose any other related bonus gained from having a dragonmark, except from those that are based on social position or reputation. Thus, someone with a Least True Dragonmark and Favored in House would loose the bonus to the related skill, but not loose any CPA or TPA from belonging to a dragonmarked house.

This spell can only target a single creature that has a true or aberrant dragonmark, as per the Dragonmark Feats rules.

For each level of dragonmark (no dragonmark, Least, Lesser, Greater, Siberys) that the target has above you, it gets a +2 circumstance bonus to its saving throw. Thus, if someone with no dragonmark casts this spell against a target with a Siberys dragonmark, the target gets a +8 circumstance bonus to its saving throw.