Breath of the Waves

Price: 9,000 gp; Slot: Head; Type: Outsider (water); Weight: 2 lb; Install DC: 25; Implantation Value: 1

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 11th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: MoE, pg. 133

Description: By replacing your face and throat with that of an outsider of the water subtype, your tongue is almost completely clear and your teeth appear as ice. You are immune to any effect that relies on dehydration, such as Horrid Wilting or Sirocco as you immediately re-hydrate yourself through the use of your implant. Also any creature that you spend a full round kissing on the lips, the water of your implant immediately stabilizes them as well as remove any exhausted, fatigued, nauseated or sickened condition that they currently have. You cannot use this ability on yourself, nor can you use it if you are unconscious or paralyzed.

So long as you do not have any outsider implants that require the fire subtype, you gain a swim speed of 20 feet or improve an existing swim speed by 20 feet. This bonus stacks with other bonuses from outsider implants that require the water subtype.


Craft DC: 21; Cost: 2,250 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (outsider), Stabilize, Soothing Word

Donor Requirement: The face and throat of an outsider of the water subtype