
All of the core races from Pathfinder (humans, elves, dwarves, etc) are represented in Eberron without any concern for rarity. Some of the other races introduced are likewise common (tieflings, goblins, orcs, etc). However, there are some races that were introduced in 3.5 that do not have an equivalent in Pathfinder (and visa verse). If you are doing a character conversion, keep the same the race if at all possible. Otherwise, find the next closest race. For example, the Shulassakar (CoS, pg. 151) have been replaced with the Nagaji with the Hypnotic Gaze option.

While the game mechanics for races are all the same, the in-game reactions between races on Eberron is quite different than on other game worlds presented by Pathfinder and other companies.

Concerning all races:

So long as they respect local laws, all races can be seen as a respected people and thus crimes against citizens are prosecuted regardless of race... usually. This makes any race that can sustain themselves in a civilization without breaking the local laws a playable race. Sustainable means that, as a race, they do not need to commit crimes against other intelligent races to live, like murder and cannibalism. Thus, bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds and orcs... even minotaurs... are playable races, while mind flayers and hags are not.

Concerning Goblinoids and Orcs:

Neither full-blooded orcs, nor humanoids of the goblin subtype, are uncultured, uneducated or as superstitious as they might be other campaign worlds. Goblinoids on Eberron come from a proud, but fallen, empire that prized writing, engineering and other works of great intellect. Granted the ancient Dhakaani were still very militaristic, but they were by no means hiding in hovels or living off of trash. Similarly, full-blooded orcs in Eberron have a nomadic, tribal society that is very reminiscent to the Native Americans. Granted, this society still values strength, skill at arms and fighting prowess, but that is because such skills are necessary to be a successful hunter in areas where natural predators include magical beasts.

While both goblinoid and orc culture may be offensive or unusual to those of other races, the raw, knee-jerk reaction to them found on other campaign worlds is not nearly as common on Eberron.

Eberron Specific Races:

There are a number of races that unique to Eberron that are not found elsewhere.

Non-Eberron Specific Races:

While not exclusive to Eberron, the following are races that have appeared in my campaign.