Sharn: City of Towers is done

Post date: Jul 5, 2013 10:06:30 PM

This book had a lot chopped out of it. All three prestige classes were either redundant, too niche or redone with a single feet. A couple of the monsters with duplicates from Bestiary 1 & 2. I think there was only about 50% crunch that was saved. That said, there was a lot that got added in and this will still be one of my all time favorite fluff books.

So, that leaves two to go... well... 2.33

Secrets of Sarlona

Secrets of Xen'Drik

and the Grafts/Implant/Symbiont rules from Magic of Eberron and Faiths of Eberron. Which I thnk I will probably do last.