Armor & Shields

There are some armor or shields that have been removed or replaced by Pathfinder equivalents. See Removed Material for details.

Chitin Armor:

Chitin armor is crafted from the carapaces of monstrous scorpions and then alchemically treated to prevent them from becoming fragile. Similar to studded leather, but lacking the protections around the joints, this is common entire for the drow of Xen'drik.


Dreamhide armor is a leathery armor made from the hides of dream serpents. Typically dark green in color, it is reserved by the locals of Xen'Drik for their best hunters.


Made from a number of overlapping leaves that been alchemically treated to keep their flexibility, leafweave is a highly prized gift found among the elves of Aerenal. Because it is made without any metal, druids can wear leafweave armor without complications to their magic. Likewise, it can repair itself over time and only takes one quarter damage from fire, as per the Greenwood special material.

Darkleaf Breastplate:

Using the fibers and bark of the darkleaf tree, this brestplate is carved and woven instead of forged and hammered. This means that druids have no complications from wearing this armor.

Darkleaf Banded Mail:

Similar to a darkleaf breastplate, only heavier and with more layers, this armor is carverd and molded out of darkleaf fibers, rather than forged from metal. This means that druids can wear this armor without any interference to their magic.

War Chitin:

Made by the drow of Xen'Drik out the carapaces of giant scorpions, this material does not use metal, making it available to druids.