Removed Material

Much of the material presented in the 3.5 publications for Eberron has been removed during the conversion to the Pathfinder rules set. The reasons for this include, but are not limited to, redundancy with existing Pathfinder rules and material, the removal of necessary supplemental rules from 3.5 to Pathfinder, inconsistency and streamlining to match existing precedence in Pathfinder or simply poor written, overpowered or self-contradictory material. Please review the following categories when comparing 3.5 concepts to their Pathfinder equivalent.


None of the races in Eberron were lost. They have, however, been redefined with the rules from the Advanced Race Guide.


There are classes presented in 3.5 that do not have Pathfinder equivalents, as vice verse. The only base class that was converted over was the Artificer, as it was introduced specifically for Eberron. Otherwise, use only the classes presented in Pathfinder material.

Prestige Classes

A number of prestige classes were either omitted or heavily altered. Listed below are those that were completely removed and the recommendations for their replacement.

  • Replaced:

    • Alchemist Savant (Magic of Eberron) has been replaced by the Alchemist (Advanced Player's Guide) core class.

      • Exorcist of the Silver Flame (ECB, pg. 77) has been replaced by the Inquisitor (Advanced Player's Guide) core class.

      • Extreme Explorer (ECB, pg. 79) has been replaced by the Pathfinder Delver (Pathfinder Chronicles: Seeker of Secrets). This is an exception to the below rule concerning prestige classes with proper names.

    • Master Inquisitive (ECB, pg.82) has been replaced by the Sleepless Detective (Paths of Prestige), although the Investigate feat has been added to the list of prerequisites.

    • Quori Nightmare (Races of Eberron) has been replaced by the Dread (Psionics Expandaed) core class.

  • Rewritten

    • ** Prestige Classes from Dragonmarked **

      • All of the prestige classes have been reworked to be consistent with each other and the Dragonmark Heir prestige class.

      • Cyre Scout has been renamed Cannith Scout.

      • This means that the Black Dog, Medani Prophet, Nosomatic Churgeon, Shadow Hunter, Storm Sentry and Unbound Scroll have been redone as 10-level prestige classes.

    • Escalation Mage (Faiths of Eberron) has been rewritten as a standard 5 level prestige class, and streamlined the mechanism for its class ability to involve fewer die rolls.

    • Gatekeeper Mystagogue (Player's Guide to Eberron) has been rewritten and streamlined with some consistency to the Repel Aberration feat and other channel feats.

    • High Elemental Binder (Player's Guide to Eberron) has been streamlined and improved on.

    • Moonspeaker (Races of Eberron) has been redesigned as a standard 10 level prestige class.

    • Revenant Blade (Player's Guide to Eberron) has been rewritten and simplified to correspond with the feat swapping options already in Pathfinder.

  • Removed:

      • Cannith Wand Adept (Sharn: City of Towers) has been removed as the sum total of its benefits, considering the current Pathfinder mechanic, has been replaced with a single feat, Dual Wand Wielder.

      • Citadel Elite (Sharn: City of Towers) is internally duplicated by the Dark Lantern prestige class.

    • Deadgrim (Magic of Eberron) has been removed because it imposes more penalties that what is appropriate in a prestige class. Consider the Undead Sourge or Divine Hunter archetypes (paladin).

      • Eldeen Ranger (ECB, pg. 74) has been removed. Consider rebuilding your character using the ranger archetypes.

      • Fist of Dal Quor (Secrets of Sarlona) has been removed. Consider a rogue/monk or soulknife/monk build.

      • Haztaratain (Secrets of Sarlona) has been removed. Consider rebuilding your character using the monk archetypes.

      • Landforged Walker (Secrets of Xen'Drik) has been removed. Consider rebuilding your character using the terrain-based druid archetypes.

    • Reachrunner (Races of Eberron) has been removed as Pathfinder has access to the Fleet feat and the skill modifiers are redundant.

      • Recaster (Races of Eberron) has been removed as Pathfinder duplicates these benefits with the additional feats and favored class uses.

      • Reforged (Races of Eberron) has been removed as warforged have been rebuilt with access to normal magical item slots and the body type feats have been removed.

      • Scorpion Wraith (Secrets of Xen'Drik) has been removed as the sudden strike class feature does not exist in Pathfinder and otherwise, this class is a combination of the assassin and shadow dancer prestige classes.

      • Sharn Skymage (Sharn: City of Towers) has been removed as it has limited effectiveness to areas that have a manifest zone to Syrania and its benefits are largely redundant with the current rules for flight.

      • Vigilant Sentinel of Aerenal (Magic of Eberron) has been removed. Consider using the Master Spy or Assassin prestige class with a strong connection to Aerenal.


A number of feats have been removed and either replaced by current Pathfinder Rules or recommended to get the feat slot back. They are listed below

Teamwork Benefits

Teamwork Benefits (FoW, pg. 130) have also been replaced, as a whole, with Teamwork Feats from Pathfinder. Consider replacing them with:

  • Coordinate Awareness with Back to Back from Pathfinder

  • Flanking Enhancement with Outflank from Pathfinder

  • Group Enmity with any Teamwork Feat from Pathfinder

  • Evade Incoming with Shake It Off from Pathfinder

  • Precision Assault with Precise Strike from Pathfinder

  • Shared Magic with any Teamwork Feat from Pathfinder

  • Spell Onslaught with Allied Spellcaster from Pathfinder

Equipment & Services

There are a handful of mundane and semi-mundane items that have removed or replaced by Pathfinder version

Alchemical Items & Poisons

Some alchemical Items that have been replaced by current Pathfinder Rules.

  • Alchemist's Frost (ECB, pg. 120) has been replaced by Liquid Ice.

  • Alchemist's Spark (ECB, pg. 120)has been replaced by Bottled Lightning.

  • Explosive Packs (SoS, pg. 138) are already covered in the Firearm rules.

  • Greyflower Perfume (PGoE, pg. 129) has been replaced by Scent Cloak.

  • Lodrei Leaf (PGoE, pg. 129) has been replaced by Antiplague.

  • Vermin Ointment (SoX, pg. 139) has been replaced with Vermin Repellent.

Armor & Shields

Some types of armor and sheilds have been replaced by current Pathfinder Rules.

  • Impact Armor (MoE, pg. 138) has been removed because it is internally inconsistent.

  • Giant Patchwork (SoX, pg. 136) has been removed as Pathfinder already has piece-mail rules and the armor is less effective than every other heavy armor.

  • Scorpion Breastplate (RoE, pg, 171) is just a more expensive version of hide armor.

  • Vine armor (SoX, pg. 136) is redundant with Rosewood armor.

Tools & Kits

Some tools, kits and gear have been replaced by current Pathfinder Rules.

  • Eternal Rations (SoX, pg. 138) are redundant with the current definition of trail rations in Pathfinder.

  • Hunter's Kit (SoX, pg. 139) is redundant with a masterwork survival kit.

Vehicles & Transportation

Some methods of transportation have been removed.

  • The Stormship (EH, pg. 39) has been removed as it did not have any other details.


Some weapons have been removed or replaced by current Pathfinder Rules.

  • The Talenta boomerang (ECB, pg. 119) and Xen'Drik boomerang (ECB, pg. 119) have been replaced by the normal Boomerang, meaning neither variant returns when thrown.

  • The Yuan-Ti Serpent Bow (SoX, pg. 136) has been removed as there are no yuan-ti in Pathfinder.

  • The Cutting Wheel (SoS, pg. 135) is redundant with the Starknife.

  • The Hook Sword (SoS, pg. 136) is rightfully called the Shang Gou.

  • The Monk's Cane (SoS, pg. 136) is rightfully called the Hanbo.

  • The Steel Flute (SoS, pg. 136) is redundant with the Iron Brush.

  • The Spinning Sword (SoS, pg. 136) is rightfully called the Urumi.

  • The Monk's Spade (SoS, pg. 136) is already redone in Pathfinder.

Magical Items

A number of magical items have been either omitted or were replaced by current Pathfinder variants.


A few artifacts were removed or omitted.

  • Eldritch Machines (ECB, pg. 273) are too nebulous to be easily defined and are better regulated as major plot arcs than as artifacts.

  • Elixirs of Antiquity (SoX, pg. 152) are not really artifacts as they are powerful, consumable potions.

  • Ingots Arcanum (SoX), pg. 152) are just eternal wands of high caster levels.

Magic Armor

A number of magical armors were removed or replaced with current Pathfinder variants.

  • The Calming special armor quality (SoS, pg. 137) has been removed as Concentration checks are factored differently in Pathfinder.

  • The Dreadful special armor quality (SoS, pg. 137) has been removed since the Quori Dread feat has been removed.

  • The Heraldic Crests (FoW, pg. 118-119) have been removed as they are not supported in the current Pathfinder rules.

  • Sentinel's Shield (S:CoT, pg. 169) has been removed as it is redundant with other methods of increased uses per day.

  • The Vengeful special armor quality (SoS, pg. 137) has been removed since it is redundant with similar special weapon qualities.

Magic Weapons

A number of magical weapons were removed or replaced with current Pathfinder variants.

  • The Arguis Tellora (SoX, pg. 145) is redundant with a Valenar double scimitar with +2 Bane (Humanoid (Giant)) / +2 Bane (Humanoid (Giant)). The 1/day Holy Word effect is added as per the rules for separate enchantments.

  • The Bloodstone Blade (PGoE, pg. 51) is redundant with a restricted Spell Storing weapon.

  • The Burning (ECB, pg. 266) special weapon quality has been renamed Scorching to prevent confusion with another special weapon quality of the same name.

  • The Elemental Axe (SoX, pg. 148) is redundant with a +2 Flaming Frost Battleaxe.

  • The Implacable Blade (EB, pg. 156) is redundant with other weapon qualities that cause bleed damage.

  • The Nightshard Maul (PGoE, pg. 51) has been removed entirely as it is poorly written.

  • The Shifting (SoX, pg. 147) special weapon quality is redundant with the Transformative special weapon quality.

  • The Titantic (EB, pg. 153) weapon quality has been rewritten to be compliant with the Bull Rush and Sunder rules.

  • The Twinblade Scourge (PGoE, pg. 79) is redundant with a two-bladed sword with +2 Bane (Goblin) / +2 Keen. The 1/day quickened Rage effect is added as per the rules for separate enchantments.

  • The Water Whip (MoE, pg. 119) has been removed as it inconsistent with the rules of elemental binding.


Tashana Lichen Pastes (SoS, pg. 138) are just potions with different flavor text. They are created the same way.


The Ring of the Stalker (MoE, pg. 118) has been removed due to it being internally inconsistent..

Wondrous Items

A large number of wondrous items were either removed, omitted or replaced with current Pathfinder equivalents. Some were just thoroughly rewritten. Underlined items are psionic items.

  • Amulet of Peace (SoS, pg. 139) has been removed as it was overpowered for just 5,000 gp.

  • Archer's Standard, Bloody Banner of Valaes Tairn, Commander's Pennant, Knight's Banner, Sign of Broken Steel and Silver Standard (FoW, pg. 122) have all been renamed using the Banner of <INSERT NAME> to simplify the naming scheme.

  • Belt of Fortification (SoX, pg. 148) is redundant with normal armor special qualities, since warforged can now wear armor.

  • Blasting Chime (MoE, pg. 112) has been rewritten so it does not need the Dragonmark rules.

  • Command Circlets, Essences of the Guard and Tracker Masks are now Wondrous items, not warforged components. They have also been repriced and redefined to comply with Pathfinder rules.

  • Darklight (SoS, pg. 140) has been removed since it is overpowered for just 500 gp.

  • Domain Icons have been removed as the current Pathfinder rules do not have an equivalent option.

  • Dragonshard Foucs (ECB, pg. 260) has been renamed Amulet of Dragonshard Focus.

  • Dragonshard Pommel Stones (FoW, pg. 121) have been removed because they are redundant with some parts of the Pathfinder enchantment process and incompatible with others.

  • Drake-Helms (EB, pg. 151) are duplicated by Pages of Spell Knowledge.

  • Empowered Spellshards (MoE, pg. 116) have been removed as they are a too-cheap-to-allow method of bypassing metamagic rods.

  • Expanded Reservoir (MoE, pg. 125) has been removed as it is redundant with favored class options for psionic power points.

  • Everbright Lantern (ECB, pg. 265), Scrying Shard (ECB, pg. 265) and Shiftweave Clothing (S:CoT, pg. 170) have been reclassified as equipment, under Tools & Kits. Their function has not changed.

  • Finger Picks (FoW, pg. 120) have been removed as they are redundant with Trapspringer Gloves.

  • Firesleds (SoX, pg, 146) have been renamed Greater Soarsleds and use their mechanics.

  • Fuel Shards (MoE, pg. 115) have been rewritten for proper scaling of effect.

  • Headband of Pursuit (SoS, pg. 140) is redundant with the Tracker Mask.

  • Image Projector (MoE, pg. 113) is an illusion effect, not conjuration.

  • Mind Blade Gauntlets have been replaced by Crystal Gauntlets (see Psionics Expanded, pg 210).

  • Pendant of Mystic Warning (S:CoT, pg. 170) has been removed since the rules concerning casting 0th level spells repeatedly.

  • Power Crystal (MoE, pg. 126) has been removed as the current psionic rules from Dreamscarred Press enforce the limitaiton of powers known to offset the ability to augment. If a new item is introduced to learn phantom powers, this will be reassessed.

  • Power Link has been removed as it violates a cardinal rule of psionics and manifesters.

  • Power Repository (MoE, pg. 116) has been removed as the current psionic rules from Dreamscarred Press enforce the limitation of powers known to offset the ability to augment. If a new item is introduced to learn phantom powers, this will be reassessed.

  • Psychic Generator (MoE, pg. 116) has been removed as it is redundant with favored class options for psionic power points.

  • Quori Shards have all been replaced with the appropriate Ioun Stones, just with the implanted item rules applied (found here).

    • Combat Instructor (MoE, pg. 115) has been replaced with the Cracked Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone.

    • Ectoplasmic Armor (ECB, pg. 264) is just an advanced version of the Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone.

    • Ectoplasmic Fist (ECB, pg. 264) has been replaced with the Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone.

    • Faceted Persona (ECB, pg. 264) has been replaced with the different attribute boosting ioun stones.

    • Sustainer (MoE, pg. 115) has been replaced with the Clear Spindle Ioun Stone.

    • Talented (ECB, pg. 264) has been replaced with the different skill boosting ioun stones.

    • The rest have been converted into new ioun stones.

  • Reparation Apparatus (MoE, pg. 114) has been redone.

  • Robes of Professions and Vestment of Many Styles are redundant with a Hat of Disguise.

  • Shadow Eye (DGM, pg. 155) does not work as Scrying and Greater Scrying require creatures as targets, not objects.

  • Shifter Clawbracers are redundant with an Amulet of Mighty Fists.

  • Talisman of the Twelve Moons does not line up with other items for increasing caster level.

  • Traction Claws are poorly priced and take up two body item slots.

  • Truth Chime has been rewritten to make it compliant with Pathfinder rules for dispelling.

  • Truth Lens (MoE, pg. 124) has been removed as it is a nearly pointless magical item.

  • Tunic of Thurrinak (EB, pg. 157) are redundant with rules for combining magical item effects.

  • Vestment of Flesh (FoE, pg. 155) has been removed as it is internal inconsistent.

  • Voluminous Vault (S:CoT, pg. 171) has been removed as it is redundant with a Portable Hole inside of a locked safe.

  • Watch Lamp (S:CoT, pg. 171) has been removed as it is redundant with the current version of Light and other lighting magical items.

Magic & Psionics

A large part of the material was either omitted or rewritten is related to, in one way or another, either magic, psionics or the rules for both.

Domains, Subdomains & Mysteries

A few options for divine casters were either removed or replaced, as detailed below.

  • The following domains already have Pathfinder equivalents: Artifice, Community, Madness, Weather.

  • The following domains have been changed to subdomains: Deathless, Decay, Warforged.

  • The following domains have been removed: Commerce, Exorcism, Feast, Meditation, Necromancer, Passion, Reverend Ancestor, Shadow.

Spells & Powers

A number of spells and psionic powers were removed or replaced by existing Pathfinder equivalents. Others were heavily rewritten. The underlined entries are psionic powers.

  • Anchor Plane has been removed as the ability to create manifest zones is not something that should be allowable outside of plot.

  • Animate Infectious Dead (CoS, pg. 144) is redundant with the option for alternate undead templates with the current Animate Dead spell.

  • Aspect of the Werebeast has been replaced with the variety of Aspect of <ANIMAL> spells.

  • Arcane Maul (SoS, pg. 126) has been removed as it is overpowered for a 3rd level spell and redundant with existing higher level spells.

  • Bolts of Bedevilment (ECB, pg. 109), has been removed, since Pathfinder already has a Madness domain and the 5th spell for it is Nightmare.

  • Charge Storing Item (ECB, pg. 109), has been removed as it been incorporated into the artificer class feature of the same name.

  • Control Elemental (MoE, pg. 95) is removed as it is self-contradictory and is duplicated with Charm Monster.

  • Crown of Courage (FoW, pg. 113) is removed as involves the need of a body slot, not something done in Pathfinder spells, as well as being redundant with other fear protection.

  • Detect Aberration (ECB, pg. 110) is already detailed in Pathfinder.

  • Detoxify (ECB, pg. 110) has been altered to a standard cleric spell, as there is no Feast Domain.

  • Devastating Strike (FoW, pg. 113) has been removed as it is redundant with other smite enhancements and useless for a touch spell.

  • Disable Construct (ECB, pg. 111) has been renamed to Unravel Construct as Disable Construct exists from the Advanced Class Guide

  • Distracting Shadows has been removed as the Perception DC for traps and secret doors are easy to change and the spell does not provide any other benefits with the current versions of Light and Darkness.

  • Dominate Living Construct is redundant when compared to the new version of warforged (as humanoids with the living construct subtype) and Apparent Master for use on actual constructs.

  • Doppleganger Transformation does not translate as Pathfinder does not use Mindset spell rules.

  • Dragonmark Demesne has been altered to allow non-dragonmarked to cast it, although dragonmarked still do it better.

  • Dragonmark Shield is redundant with Shield since the dragonmark requirement has been removed.

  • Dragonmark Symbol is redundant with any of the Symbol spells as visible recognition of a dragonmark was always an option.

  • Dragonmark Whip and Greater Dragonmark Whip are redundant with the magus spellstrike class feature.

  • Dream Spirit (SoS, pg. 126) has been removed as it is functionally redundant with Summon Monster III.

  • Dream Spirit, Psionic (SoS, pg. 130) has been removed as it is functionally redundant with an augmented Astral Construct.

  • Earth Walk (SoS, pg. 130) is redundant with Defy Gravity.

  • Elemental Prod has been removed as the binding process does not need elementals to be physically moved.

  • Energy Trap (SoS, pg. 131) has been removed as delayed power activation has been severely limited in the current psionics model.

  • Enhanced Shifting and Extend Shifting do not translate as Pathfinder does not have spells that are only one race-specific.

  • Expose the Dead is redundant with other investigate spells, mostly from the Inquisitor spell list.

  • Flamebound Symbol (FN, pg. 154) is redundant with the current model for channel positive energy.

  • Flamebound Symbol (FN, pg. 155) has been removed as the current model of spells are not faith specific, and it's effect is easily duplicated with other effects.

  • Force Hammer (S:CoT, pg. 168) is redundant with Admonishing Ray.

  • Force Shapechange is redundant with the use of True Form.

  • Forced Dream is self-contradictory and has been removed

  • Fortify Dragonmark cannot be rewritten so that everyone can use it.

  • Fracturing Weapon (FoW, pg. 113) is both redundant and incompatible with the current rules for Sunder maneuvers.

  • Furnance Within does not translate as Pathfinder does not use Mindset spell rules.

  • Halt Deathless (ECB, pg. 111) has been altered slightly to make it a reflection of the Halt Undead spell. It is still a spell for the Deathless sub-domain, but is now also on the inquisitor and sorcerer/wizard spell list.

  • Hardness (ECB, pg. 112) has been altered slightly to make a single casting more useful, but prevent rule-breaking through multiple castings. It remains 6th level.

  • Holy Fire (FoW, pg. 114) is redundant with the current channel positive energy model.

  • Illusion Purge was a poorly designed spell for 8th level and is somewhat redundant with Circle of Clarity.

  • Insidious Insight and Insidious Suggestion do not translate as Pathfinder does not use Mindset rules.

  • Instant of Power (FoW, pg. 114) is redundant with Timely Inspiration.

  • Irian's Light has been redone as a conjuration (healing) spell.

  • Knight Unburdened is still included, even if it is redundant with Effortless Armor, but it has been rewritten to keep the balance.

  • Leap Into Animal does not have any use, given the current options with druids and rangers.

  • Lifebound (SoS, pg. 128) has been removed as it is not consistent with the current rules on possession and redundant with Fleshbound.

  • Maddening Scream (ECB, pg. 113) has been altered because it is otherwise too similar to Irresistible Dance to be a separate spell. It is also only a sorcerer / wizard spell as the Madness domain already has an 8th level spell.

  • Magecraft (ECB, pg. 113) is redundant with Crafter's Fortune.

  • Magic Weapon, Legion's and Greater Magic Weapon, Legion's have been redone as Communal versions of the base spells.

  • Manifest Death (FoW, pg. 114) and Manifest Life (FoW, pg. 115) have been combined into a single spell, Manifest Life and Death, which is a cleric / oracle spell only.

  • Mark of the Wild is redundant with Hide from Animals. Terrible example of a 5th level druid spell.

  • Marked Pulse cannot be rewritten so that everyone can use it.

  • Metamagic Scroll is redundant with the artificer's own class ability.

  • Mindburn is WAAAY too powerful for a 2nd level spell, thus it has been removed.

  • The Natural Weapon Augmentation chain has been removed because artificers do not cast directly on creatures.

  • Overwhelming Revelations is self-contradictory and has been removed.

  • Primal Fear is redundant compared to Unearthly Terror.

  • Project Quori Spirit is redundant with Astral Construct, given the limitations psions have to summoning.

  • Psychic Whip (SoS. pg. 131) is redundant with other weapon-like powers already available.

  • Raptor Cloud (SoS, pg. 128) is redundant with other offensive protection options for druids, sorcerers and wizards.

  • Reachwalker's Wariness is redundant with Detect Aberration and the limitations of blindsense.

  • Scorpion Tail do not translate as Pathfinder does not have spells that are only one race-specific.

  • Sense Danger is redundant with Detect Hostile Intent and Danger Sense.

  • Sense Weakness is somewhat redundant with Locate Weakness and was overpowered for a 2nd level to begin with.

  • Shared Healing is redundant with the current options for healing in Pathfinder

  • Shield of Faith, Legion's (ECP, pg. 115) has been replaced with Shield of Faith, Mass as it fits more with the Pathfinder Mass and Communal versions of spells. This makes it an Artificer 5 infusion / Cleric 5 spell.

  • Shifter Prowess do not translate as Pathfinder does not have spells that are only one race-specific.

  • Smite of Sacred Fire (FoW, pg. 116) has been removed as paladins have the ability to make their divine bonded weapon flaming and flaming burst.

  • Soldiers of Sanctity (FoW, pg. 116) has been removed given the current channel positive energy model.

  • Status, Greater (ECB, pg. 116) has already been converted on the

  • Stone Mind (SoS, pg. 132) is redundant with other methods of psionic perception already available.

  • Stone Storm (SoS, pg. 129) is redundant withe Volcanic Storm.

  • Stored Lightning Bolt (SoS, pg. 129) has been removed as it is redundant with other electricity damage options and traps.

  • Stun Quori Spirit is redundant with Psionic Blast and it is not creature type specific.

  • Summon Living Dragonmark cannot be rewritten so that everyone can use it.

  • Summon Marked Homunculus cannot be rewritten so that everyone can use it.

  • Suppress Dragonmark has been simplified and streamlined.

  • Touch of Jorasco do not translate as Pathfinder does not have spells that are only one race-specific.

  • True Creation (ECB, pg. 117) is already detailed in Pathfinder.

  • True Seeing, Mass do not translate as Pathfinder does not have a Truth domain.

  • Touch of Madness (ECB, pg. 116) has been removed as the Madness domain already as Touch of Idiocy.

  • Undying Aura has been streamlined.

  • Unfettered Heroism has been removed as it involves actions and the equivalent with hero points is already covered by Heroic Fortune.

  • Unity Wine (PGoE, pg. 73) has been removed as it is redundant with other skill bonus spells.

  • Waking Dreams is self-contradictory and has been removed.

  • Watchful Ancestors is redundant with Ward Shield and uncanny dodge does not get applied as a spell effect often enough to count.

  • Weapon of the Deity has been removed as given the current wealth by level scheme and Greater Magic Weapon spell, it is redundant whenever it would actually be useful.

  • Wild Instincts does not translate as Pathfinder does not use Mindset spell rules.

  • Withering Palm (ECB, pg. 117) has been altered to be a standard cleric spell, as the Decay subdomain is already defined.


A number of creatures, templates and related information was omitted or replaced with Pathfinder equivalents.


A few monsters were removed or replaced with Pathfinder equivalents.

  • Clawfoots, also known as the Velociraptors, and the Glidewings, also known as the pteranodons, have already been detailed in the Bestiary. The Fastieth, also known as the leaellynasaura, has not and thus is detailed here.

  • Empty Vessels have been made into a race, as per the ARG.

  • Jungle Giants (SoX, pg. 77) have already been defined in Pathfinder.

  • Karrnathi Skeletons have been replaced with Skeletal Champions, as have the Karranthi Zombies been replaced with Juju Zombies. This gives a wider variety of what these forms of undead can accomplish.

  • Magebred Brown Bears (FN, pg. 74) are just brown bears with the magebred template. Magebred Ghost Tigers (FN, pg. 75) are just a duplicate of the Magebred Tiger.

  • Roach Thralls (S:CoT, pg. 183) are redundant with Faceless Stalkers for their niche in the aberration 'eco-system'.

  • Spiretop Dragons (S:CoT, pg. 185) are redundant with Pseudodragons for their effectiveness.

  • Valenar Riding Horses is simply an Light Horse with the Advanced template.

  • Yuan-Ti Wretchling (SoX, pg. 77) has been removed as the entire Yuan-Ti chain is not in Pathfinder. If needed, consider replacing it with the Nagaji or Serpentfolk.

  • Zakya Rakashasa is no longer needed as the Rakashasa concept has been more developed in published Bestiaries.


A few templates were removed or replaced with Pathfinder equivalents.

  • The Mistling template (FoW, pg. 152) has been replaced with the Blighted Fey template, with other cosmetic changes.

  • The Primordial Giant (SoX, pg. 77) is redundant with the Advanced Creature template and the rules for adding class levels to monsters.

  • The Quorcraft Warforged (SoX, pg. 77) is redundant with almost all medium sized constructs.