Water Cloak

Aura: Moderate Conjuration; CL: 11th

Slot: Shoulders; Price: 17,000 gp; Wgt: 1 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (water, 10-12 HD, usually a Huge Water Elemental)

Source: MoE, pg. 119

Description: This cloak is adorned with a clasp containing a Khyber dragonshard; the fabric itself embroidered with waves. While worn, the wearer gains a +5 circumstance bonus to saves against fire-based effects and can never be set on fire. If the fire-based effect allows for half damage on a successful saving throw, the wearer takes no damage at all, although any other aspects may still apply (conditions, ability damage, etc). In addition, the wearer can, as a standard action that does not provoke, attempt to either dispel any magical or psionic fire-based effect, as if he had cast Dispel Magic, or extinguish all non-magical fire within a 30' radius. This ability can be used up to five times per day, but requires asking for assistance in Aquan.

Construction Requirements: Bind Elemental, Craft Wondrous Item, Fire Shield (cold version)

Construction Cost: 3,500 gp, a Khyber dragonshard worth 5,000 gp