Spirit Steed

School: Necromancy; Level: Deathless 4

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Components: V,DF

Range: Touch

Target: Living animal touched

Duration: 1 hour / level

Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Source: ECB, pg. 115

You summon an ancestral spirit to temporarily possess one living creature of the animal type that is large enough to act as a mount. Doing so provides it with the following benefits:

  • If the animal is not already trained to carry a rider, it is considered trained for the duration of the spell.

  • +30 enhancement bonus to its fastest natural movement rate

  • Increase the multiplier of a run action by one. Thus, if the mount does not have the Run feat, instead of a x3, it is a x4. Those with the Run feat are at a x5.

    • The mount is immune to damage from the hustle action for the duration of the spell.

    • If involved in a chase scene, the mount and rider have a circumstance bonus equal the caster level for any checks needed for the chase scene.

When the duration of the spell is over, the mount is fatigued. This spell counts as a limited form of spirit possession and can be ended by any affect that would stop a possession. Use the caster's statistics for resisting an exorcism, even though he is not actually within the animal.