Animals & Creatures

Pricing methods for creatures are the same as in Pathfinder. See Bestiary for details on specific creatures.


Also known as a deinonychus, carvers are a common mount in the caravans of the Talenta Plains.


Also known as a velociraptor, clawfoots are often used by Talenta scouts needing to cover great distances quickly.


A fast moving herbivore dinosaur, native to the Talenta Plains.


Also known as a pteradon, glides are highly priced mounts of Talenta warriors.

Magebred Animal:

The cost needed to have a magebred animal (an animal with the Magebred Template) raised is double the normal amount for a regular animal of the same type and training.

Valenar Riding Horse:

A wonderfully built stallion native only to the southern lands of Valenar. While it common to see Valenar elves riding this steeds, it is rare to see anyone else do so (at least for very long).