Buffeting Fist

Price: 20,000 gp; Slot: Arm; Type: Outsider (air); Weight: 2 lb; Install DC: 24; Implantation Value: 2

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 11th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: MoE, pg. 131

Description: By replacing one of your arms with that of an air-based outsider, your arm looks much like it used to, except that there is a constant breeze surrounding it. As a standard action that does not provoke, your are able to target a creature within 10 feet with a bull rush attempt. You gain a +10 circumstance bonus to your CMB modifier for this attempt. You cannot use this option for 1d4 rounds afterwords. If you have both arms replaced with Buffeting Fists implants, as a standard action that does not provoke, you can either target two targets within 10 feet with two separate bull rush attempts, each with a +8 circumstance bonus to your CMB modifier, or a single target with a bull rush attempt with a +16 circumstance bonus. You cannot use either arm's ability for 2d4 rounds after using this option.

So long as you do not have any outsider implants that require the earth subtype and you do not wear medium or heavy load or carry a medium of heavy load, you also gain a +10' bonus to your land movement rate. This bonus to your land movement rate stacks with bonuses from other outsider implants that require the air subtype.


Craft DC: 22; Cost: 5,000 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (outsider), Battering Blast

Donor Requirement: An arm or essence of an outsider with the air subtype