
Below is the list of all of the books I have referenced in this project with acronyms.

  • Paizo / Pathfinder

    • PCB - Pathfinder Corebook

    • ACG - Advanced Class Guide

    • APG - Advanced Players Guide

    • ARG - Advanced Race Guide

    • GG - Gamemastery Guide

    • UM - Ultimate Magic

    • UCam - Ultimate Campaign

    • UCom - Ultimate Combat

    • UE - Ultimate Equipment

    • MA - Mythic Adventures

    • B1 - Bestiary

    • B2 - Bestiary 2

    • B3 - Bestiary 3

    • KoB - Kobolds of Golarion

  • Wizards of the Cost / Eberron

    • ECB - Eberron Corebook

    • CoS - City of Stormreach

    • CP - Complete Psionic

    • DGM - Dragonmarked

    • DrM - Dragon Magic

    • DoE - Dragons of Eberron

    • EH - Explorer's Handbook

    • EotLQ - Eyes of the Lich Queen

    • FN - Five Nations

    • FoE - Faiths of Eberron

    • FoW - Forge of War

    • MM1 - Monster Manual (also referred to as Monster Manual 1)

    • MoE - Magic of Eberron

    • PGoE - Player's Guide to Eberron

    • RoE - Races of Eberron

    • RotD - Races of the Dragon

    • S:CoT - Sharn: City of Towers

    • SotLW - Shadows of the Last War

    • SoS - Secrets of Sarlona

    • SoX - Secrets of Xen'drik

  • Dreamscarred Press

    • PU - Psionics Unleashed

    • PE - Psionics Expanded