Manifest Life and Death

School: Necromancy; Level: Cleric / oracle 5

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Components: V,S

Range: Touch

Target: One touched creature (see text)

Duration: 1 minute / level or until discharged (see text)

Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes

Source: FoW, pg. 114

When you cast this spell and successfully make a melee touch attack against the target, you drain a certain amount of their energy and store it into a small semi-solid ball of either positive or negative energy in the palm of your hand. The initial melee touch attack does 1d6 points of untyped damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). The amount of damage dealt determines the type of energy in the ball. If the creature you touched is an undead creature or a creature that is otherwise healed by negative energy, then the ball is filled with negative energy. If the creature you touched is a living creature, a Deathless creature or a creature that is otherwise healed by positive energy, then he ball is filled with positive energy. Creatures that are not healed by either negative or positive energy (i.e. most constructs) are immune to this spell.

The ball of energy lasts for 1 minute per caster level and no caster can have more than one ball of energy from this spell at a time (the second ball remains while the first disappears in a flash of light). The ball can be used in one of two ways. First, if you have the ability to channel energy of the same type as the ball, it can be expended to fuel a single use of that channel energy ability. Second, the ball can touched against a creature (as a melee touch attack) to either heal or harm it by same amount of damage as done to the original creature, based on the type of energy the ball is storing (i.e. a negative ball heals the undead and harms living targets, a positive ball harms the undead and heals living targets). Creatures that are not healed by either negative or positive energy (i.e. most constructs) are immune to this application of the spell as well. If this application does heal, it is considered a necromantic effect, not a conjuration (healing) effect, despite the nearly identical application of energy.

The ball evaporates if it is ever out of the caster's possession, thus it cannot be stored in unattended container, thrown or given to someone else. If the ball of energy is not used by the end of the duration, its stored energy is wasted.