Truth About Futurism Table

Truth About the Great Tribulation

There is no coming great tribulation of seven years or 3 ½ years.

There is no coming great tribulation

The Book of Revelation is not a future prophecy of a supposed coming great Tribulation.

All the waters will not turn to blood before Christ returns.

All crops will not be devastated before Christ returns.

Jerusalem will not be surround by massive armies just before Christ returns.

The earth will not be devastated by the supposed great tribulation, because there is no coming great tribulation.

The supposed coming great tribulation will not devastate the earth, because there is no coming great tribulation.

Statue Dream {Daniel 2}

The forth Kingdom in the statue dream, is Not still to come, it has already come.

There is no coming forth kingdom as it is already here.

There is no break in in the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream {Daniel 2}.

The fourth kingdom is Rome, it is not a future Kingdom that is still to come.

Daniel’s 70 Weeks

There is no break in the seventy weeks of Daniel

It is wrong to break off the last week of Daniel’s 70 weeks

The last week of Daniel’s 70 weeks has already occurred, it is not still to come.

All of the 70 weeks of Daniel have already occurred.

There are no time gaps in the 70 weeks of Daniel

The last week or half week of Daniel’s 70 weeks is not the supposed great tribulation.


There is no antichrist mentioned in Daniel’s 70 weeks.

The books of Daniel and Revelation do not mention an antichrist.

There is no coming single powerful antichrist who will rule the world.

There is no individual antichrist coming, for there are many antichrists already here.

Truth About the Return of Christ

Christ returns one time

Christ does not return twice, he returns one time

There are not two physical comings of Christ, there is only one

Christ returns as a thief, in that it will be a surprise, not that it will be a secret.

The Lord will not return before and after a supposed tribulation as some teach, he will only return one time, at the end of this eon.

Christ does not collect the members of the body first in a secret coming, He only comes one time which will not be secret.

There is no rapture of the members of the body of Christ before a great tribulation, for there is no coming great tribulation.

People will be enjoying themselves right up until just before Christ returns.

People will be having joyous occasions like getting married right up until just before Christ returns. {Matthew 24:38-39}

Believers will not be raptured away before the supposed great tribulation, because there will be no great tribulation.