Praying from the Chapel and Watch Dates

6 December 2012

By Mark Farquharson

On the 4 December 2012 I was in downtown Auckland. As I said I was meant to plan my journey. This I try to do, but ended up going a bit different to what I had planned. I walked to St Matthews and went up the front. Looked around and thought of issuing a declaration but did not.

Then I went on to St Patrick’s and St Joseph. There I sat in the front pew, there was a school class there with the teacher talking about the church. I went around the back of the stage, and looked at the gold box before leaving.

After looking at some shops I went to the library. I used the elevator to go one level up. There is a sign to do with elevators, maybe it indicates the upper room. I remember I was at the central library recently and I was going to use the lift to go down, but one of the women that was waiting said something. Anyway I decide to use the escalator at the time. Recently at the New Lynn library I used the elevator, were before I had used the stairs. Getting back to the 4 December I looked at maps on central America, USA, New York City, and Europe. I know I am going to New York City, I am not sure if this is my first stop on a trip. No idea when I am going at this time. Then I used the lift to go back down. I walked though the Auckland University and I used two lifts there.

Then I went on to St Paul’s Church, it was closed. I then went on to Symonds Street Cemetery, and had a walk around. Bishop Selwyn applied to Governor Hobson who granted 8 acres for the Church of England to use. Recall one of the signs is Selwyn Village.

I walked on to St Benedict’s, there were some workmen outside. Inside I touch the water in the bowl in the entrance. Then I walked to the front of the pews and looked at the two Christmas displays. Around the back of one of the large displays was small lit candles. I thought blow them out. On the first blow two candles went out. Then I blew out the rest with another two blows. This is the first time I have done this. Beside the stage is a small chapel. I went to the front of the small chapel. There is a table there, and from here I would think that is where the priest would speak from, as there is no lectern.

It was from here that I prayed for the daily bread, the knowledge, the glory, overthrow the usurps and to grant the sons of God Authority.

Then I walked on to Western Park, where I sat at one round table. Then on to Brown Reserve. Coming out of there, going down the road there was a car that had on the bonnet the words “End Time.” I went past the United Church of Tonga Church and notice that the derelict building next door was also owned by them. Then I went on to St Paul’s College where I looked at a statue. It is here I changed course and went down a walkway by the side of the college. I walked through Moira Reserve.

After taking another walkway I came out at a driveway going to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. The driveway also went to the Chinese Catholic Community Centre. Next to that was the Marist School Herne Bay. There was a bus outside the school, and I observe the school children heading for the buses.

I walked down the driveway and into the church. Inside I went upstairs, looking out over the church from above. I came back down and went into a small room, where I sat down briefly. Coming out of the room I went into the auditorium. To the side was a small round room. Coming to the front is the stage, and there was this painting of three figures on a stand. The thought came to my mind of it burning. Then I went to the table, well not sure what you call it, but it was about table height and top shaped rectangle. From there I declared the evangel to go forth, the coming of the knowledge and glory, the anointing of the apostles. The bowl of water on a stand in front of the pews was covered over.

In the small room I denounce the place. Why denounce the place, because one should not be worshiping Mary the mother of Jesus, this is wrong.

After leaving that church I started to head back when I came across All Saints Anglican Church. Inside I looked around and sat on two separate chairs to the side. These amongst the pews that are on the side, being perpendicular to the main pews. At the front there are three lecterns, one left, one right and one raised on right. I announced at the two on the right. Then I went to the table asking for the bread. Behind the table was a separate area with a few seats, and a eagle lectern. I announced from the eagle lectern. Then I cam to the front, and thought about announcing from the left lectern but was unsure. While no one else was in the church, the back door was open and there was this woman seating on a bench. I could see her from the left lectern, but not the other lecterns. I did announce from this lectern, not sure if this counts as a witness, for she would not have heard want I said. I do think she noticed me inside the church at the lectern, although I can not be sure. At the back of the church before leaving a blow out one candle, that was on a stand by itself. As I came out of the church the woman got up and walked away. Did God put her there to be a witness, I do not know.

Lets now compare St Benedict’s and All Saints. As I have said in the past this is a process, arrive at the stage, arrive at the speaker stand, entering chapel, arrive at front of chapel. Before this at the other churches, I had prayed from the speaker stand at the front of the main pews. What is new is doing it in these chapels. Lets look at two diagrams, first St Benedict’s:

Note that the table where I prayed form in the chapel is inline with the Ciborium.

All Saints:

This could indicate arrive at the front of the chapel, which could be a sign of arrive at the front of chapel 2. Recall that chapel 2 is the sign of the second judgement. If we have arrived, why is there no judgment. There can be a period of time here, while we await the judgment. How long is the wait, that I do not know. Indications below.

Watch Dates:

8-9 December this being the 24 and 25 of the ninth Hebrew month. The closing ceremony of the 2102 games was on the 12-13 August, that is the 24-25 of the fifth Hebrew month. Recall that during the ceremony a pyramid was built. On the 8 Dec is ReignDown USA gathering in Topeka, KS, 3:00-6:00 PM CST.

I received some revelations in December last year:

9 December: “It’s time to fulfill your destiny”

10 December: “Great Knowledge”

11 December: I receive several on this day.

“It’s time to receive Great Knowledge,”

“The provision is coming”

“You have the evangel go forth”

“You will travel wide and far”

“Much are the distractions of the world. Much discipline, those I love I discipline.

“Travel forth”

“It’s time for the priests to go into the temple.”

“Time is short, things will happen quickly at great speed, be ready”

Note that the upcoming park in the sequence is Starforth.

The 11 December is 76 days after the Day of Atonement, being a cleansing cycle. However if one was to use 80 days you would get 15 December, recall the watch was $80.00. It was 20% off, which could mean 20 days less than the 31 December, which would get you the 11 December.

I maybe going to downtown Auckland again on the 11 December. Not sure what I would be doing at this stage.

For other watch dates from Dr Jones refer to this weblog: Trip Report and Watch Dates

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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