We Will be Baptized with the Holy Spirit in Not Many Days

9 November 2014

Mark Farquharson

The promise has been give that we will be baptized in not many days from now. This promise is the same one that Jesus give his disciples, Acts 1:4-5. The word of the promise is given in Dr Jones "Prayer Campaign Update," dated 1 November 2014. Thus it is already several days after the promise was given. Importantly, we are to wait as they did, and soon, in not many days, we the apostles, the body, the Christ company, will be baptized in the Holy spirit, commissioned for the very important work ahead. This includes preparing the way for Christ's return.

It was also reported at that time, that they were lead to decree the release of the funds for the work ahead. This does not mean that the funds is only the revalue of the dinar. While I believe this is also close, I do think funds will come from other sources as well.

Last year on the 13-14 Nov Dr Jones fed the hundred pastors at the conference in Lake Sebu, Mindanao, Philippines. This connects to the ninth sign of Elisha, which is find in 2 Kings 4:43. It's counterpart is find in John 6, when Jesus broke the bread and give it to the disciples to feed the 5000. This he took as a sign of the revalue of the dinar. More on this in the report here: More Revelation of the Philippine Trip

At this time last year I was nearing the end of a count of hundred days, which ended on the 14 November. Overlapping the count of hundred days was another count of hundred days. Then there was also the three day adjust factor on the second count of hundred days. The final count of hundred days including the adjustment ended on the 23 December 2013.

On Friday the 7 Nov 2014, my family and I went to a meeting. After the meeting there was this green ATM, which did not give cash, but give prizes after you answered a few questions. How can I call it an ATM if it was not a cash machine? The company called it an ATM, and it did have ATM on the machine. My mother got 100 credit to her account, which will be credited with in seven days. The seventh day being the 14 Nov. What are the chances of wining 100 credit?

It was an ATM, which represents money, thus a sign of the release of funds, possible. The 100 credit be a sign of the feed of the 100 and the ninth sign. The crediting with in seven days being an indication that it will occur with in seven days or in seven days? We will have to wait and see.

Last night the word was given to me, "Sound the trumpets, the Feast is about to begin." This could mean that the "Feast of Trumpets" is about to begin. It could also relate to the seating and eating of the food at the "Table of the Lord."

What dates should we watch going forward. Looking back at the 13 year pattern given in Dr Jones weblog , "The 13-year pattern from 2001-2014," the dates are 8-14 November 2014.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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