Coming Soon the Ninth Sign of Elisha

12 October 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Dr Jones and Darla are planning to leave on a trip to the Philippines on the 5 November and to return on the 18 November. First he will “attend a wedding in Davao City on the south end of Mindanao, “The Promised Land.””

Then not to far from Davao, in Lake Sebu he is scheduled to teach at a pastors conference on the 14-15 November.

Ninth sign in 2 Kings:

2 Kings 4:42 And, a man, came in from Baal-Shalisha, and brought for the man of God firstfruit bread, twenty barley loaves, and garden grain in the husk thereof. And he said—Give to the people, that they may eat. 43 But his attendant said—How can I set this before a hundred men? And he said—Give to the people, that they may eat, for, Thus, saith Yahweh, They are about to eat and to leave remaining. 44 So he set before them, and they did eat and left remaining, according to the word of Yahweh.

Following Quotes from Dr Jones Weblog:

“Up to now I have watched dates that are connected to barley in some way. But the story has more details than that. The other day I received an email from Felipe to let me know the arrangements for the conference. He writes,

“We plan to have it on November 14-15. Can you share a budget for that conference…

We just expect around 100 pastors and delegates.”

The total cost for transportation, hotel, and providing meals for two days for the 100 pastors is about $1400. So it appears that this is directly connected to the ninth sign of Elisha. We will have to feed a hundred men, plus wives and children, no doubt….”

“…What was hidden until now was the “Philip” factor along with the “hundred men.” But now we see Philip informing me about the hundred men in this upcoming trip to the PHILIPPINES. Further, the conference begins on the 12th anniversary of the crowning of the overcomers in 2001 and the release of the Angel of Working Miracles….”

“…It seems to me, then, that the miracle in our day will be the revaluation of the dinar, a different kind of “bread.” This will fund a much larger outreach than just a single conference.

The point is that this Philippine trip appears to be the first real signal that the ninth sign of Elisha is coming soon. Perhaps it will happen in October, or it might actually happen on Thursday, November 14, coinciding with the conference in the Philippines. That would certainly be interesting…”

Quotes from: The ninth sign of Elisha coming soon

Please ensure to read the whole weblog which also contains projections for the future.

Note the 14 November is day 318 of the year, is then that the meaning of the 3.18 in this prophecy about the revalue of the Dinar?

"Good, it's going to revalue soon and when it does you need to buy silver and gold because once it does everything is going to change". My friend said, "Well we heard that it's supposed to RV any day now". The man responds, "Not yet but soon. What you see going on in Egypt is going to happen in two more middle eastern countries and the US will go into another war." and then he says this, "When it does happen it will RV at 3.18, when it does RV, everything is going to change".

From God‘s Kingdom Ministries: A strange Dinar story

The date for the Lectern stand from last year is the 14 November, which would fit this above date. However there are signs that this year arrive at the lectern stand will be earlier. Signs so far indicate arrive on the 26 October.

The arrive date for San Lorenz from last year is the 15 November, and the Treaty of San Lorenzo opened up the Mississippi River which is a sign of the Holy Spirit. However if I go by current signs, arrive would be earlier.

Please ensure to read the next entry about the soon coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit to find out more. Note this is plan to be posted soon, today or tomorrow.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013