The Crypts & the Wedding

15 September 2013

By Mark Farquharson

I went to downtown Auckland on the 6 September 2013. While I was there I went over to St Benedict’s Church. The symbol of the Benedict order is the olive branch. In Romans 11, the wild olives are grafted into the boughs of the olive tree. Those of faith among the nations, are the wild olives that are grafted in. This is covered in this entry: “God’s Cultivated Olive Tree

Inside there were a few people, I walked up to the front. A woman came over to me and asked “Where’s the crypt?.” I point over to the other end at a door, “over there.” She started to made her way past the pews to the back. Wondered if I was right, was it over there. That is was the stairs down to the crypt over there. For I had not been down to the crypt in this church. I looked to the front and thought no way down. Thus I looked to the back and thought the other door does not lead down. Then I followed her to the back where she asked a man who confirmed that it was where I said. She went down to the crypt and I followed her down. In the crypt was a statue of Jesus. Have had a quick look I proceed back up the stairs and out of the church.

A crypt is a room or vault usually below a church, which is used as a chapel or a burial chamber or for storing religious artefacts. In this case it looked largely empty. I did notice the piano.

I walked up St Benedict’s Street, and at number 15 was a hair clinic. The sign for the place was two snakes and a bowl.

I went to a book shop and picked up a book on Cathedrals. I looked through the book and put it back. It was next to a book called “Nature’s Fury,” which was all about natural disasters, which I also looked at, both were on sale at $20.

There was mention of a wedding on a TV program earlier in the day, and again the mention of a wedding in the afternoon.

Last year on the 25 October I went to St Paul’s Church in central Auckland. The church was set up for a wedding the next day. On that day a woman lead me down to the crypt underneath the church. She mentioned the children come down to the crypt and liked it to a labyrinth and a dungeon. A labyrinth is a maze, and a dungeon is a prison cell usually beneath a castle. A dungeon is a prison, thus something imprisoned that needs freeing? She mentioned Harry Potter, which is set in a castle. You can read more about my comments at the time here: Signs of St Paul’s Church, the Signs of St Paul’s Cathedral

What then is the connect between St Paul’s and St Benedict’s? Yes they both have crypt’s, but then a lot of churches do, why was a shown the crypt’s at these two churches. There is a book I have got that has information on St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Westminster Abbey which is used for British coronations was originally a Benedictine abbey.

Dr Jones find out there was a delay in sending out the Apostles when he went to the Apostle Islands in June 2011, that was on the anniversary of the marriage proposal and the ring. For we are the bride of Christ. The delay is caused by a blockage caused by the broken treaties between the Native Americas and the government, that needed to be reconciled. You can read more about the recent work of reconciliation here:

What then of the wedding, St Paul’s and the crypt. Is there another reason for the delay, something else that needs addressing or has to happen for it to end.

On the 14 July last year there were some decrees issued from the Divine Court, in the downtown area of St. Paul, Minnesota. The 14 of the seventh Hebrew month is the day before the start of Tabernacles. Here is part of what happened on that day as detailed by Dr Jones:

From there, we drove to St. Paul's Cathedral, which stands on the highest of the seven hills in St. Paul. Its location was deliberately chosen in order to lay claim to a higher authority than that of the Minnesota State Capital on the next highest hill nearby. St. Paul's Cathedral is a smaller scale model of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, which also sits on seven mountains (Rev. 17:9).

.The Church's authority was legitimate, but like Saul, it has usurped the power of God by instituting its own laws that are contrary to the law of God. (One example is usury, which was sanctified in the Church in 1942 when the Vatican Bank was established.)….”

Hence, we were led to St. Paul's Cathedral to cast down supplanters and to re-establish God's sovereignty.”

From Dr Jones entry: Separating Land and Sea, Divine Visitation at St. Paul

Will there be a judgement to cast down the supplanters and re-establish God’s Sovereignty.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013