Upcoming Events from End of 2023 onwards

December 27, 2023

By Mark Farquharson

A lot of these upcoming events I do not known when they will occur or start to occur. Thus this list should not be taken as fact that they will occur in this order. 

I refer to the times of 8 am, 9am and other times, these are based on using the calculation that an hour is 288 days, and that 8 am is august 4, 2024. I have cover these calculations in past journal entries. 

Upcoming Events:

New Years Day, Jan 1, 2024, this is the wait of the 15 minutes from 7 am, no other info on this date.

Destruction of Jerusalem, date unknown. With the fighting over there, looks like this could happen soon. 

April 28, 2024. Wave sheaf.

Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, august 4, 2024. 8 am. Starting to prepare the way for Jesus

September 4, 2024. It being the 1st of the Hebrew month of Elul. It being a watch date.

The finish of the transition period, the power transfers from mystery babylon to the saints of the most high. Oct 12, 2024

October 15, 2024, The hour and a quarter. Not sure what happens on this date.

December 25/26, 2024. Certificate of some kind.

May 18, 2025, Revalue of Dinar. This is close to 9 am, which is the next day. 

Starting to build God's Kingdom, starting with South Africa. Date unknown.

Oct 10, 2025. Not sure what happens on this date, but a time of 9:30 am has been indicated.

Start to build towers, date unknown. 

A three year period, start and end date unknown.

London to suffer a major earthquake, date unknown, but after the three year period.

Fall of babylon date unknown, but before Jesus returns.

Return of Jesus, date unknown. No one knowns not even the angels, Matthew 24:36.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2023