Apollo and Thomas Signs in England

12 August 2012

By Mark Farquharson

Apollo Signs

A Mable Statue of Apollo was find in 121 pieces and reassembled in the British Museum, it stands at 2.29 metres. It came from Temple of Apollo at Cyrene in modern Libya. At the museum it is in Room 22, which is named “Alexander the Great.” 22 is the number for the Sons of light. Note the reference on the British Museum website is “P. Higgs, 'The Cyrene Apollo', History Today, 44 (11) (), pp. 50-54.” 44 is the number for chosen people, and double 22. Statue info was at museum: www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/highlight_objects/gr/c/marble_statue_of_apollo.aspx {This page removed from there site}

Apollo is one of the Olympian deities in ancient Greek and Roman, religion and mythology. His parents were Zeus and Leto.

In the scriptures Zeus is mentioned in Acts 19:35 in the CLV and the YLT. However it is translated “Jupiter,” in the KJV and the Rotherham. In Acts 19 the CLV and YLT mentions Artemis a ancient Greek deity, but the KJV translates it as Diana. Artemis is correct, the Roman equivalent is Diana. She and Apollo are siblings, having the same parents.

Acts 19:35 Now, composing the throng, the scribe is averring, "Men! Ephesians! What man is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is sexton of the temple of the great Artemis and of that which fell from Zeus? {CLV}

Artemis came from Zeus, thus Zeus is correct.

Acts 19:26-27 and you are beholding and hearing that, not only of Ephesus, but of almost the entire province of Asia, this Paul by his persuading causes a considerable throng to stand aloof, saying that they are not gods which are coming into being by means of hands." Now, not only is this endangering our party, by it coming to be confuted, but the sanctuary of the great goddess Artemis also is being thereby reckoned nothing. Besides, her magnificence is about to be pulled down also, whom the whole province of Asia and the inhabited earth is revering." {CLV}

Yes Paul was correct, that made by hands are not gods. The great temples and statues to false gods are reckoned as nothing. The British Museum made a great error of judgment, when they decide to put the statue of Apollo back together. In Acts 19, one of the crowd is called Alexander, {Acts 19:33-34}. Alexander the Great {356 BC-323BC} become king of Macedon in 336BC, which is in Greece. He travelled great distances with his army, and conquered the Persian Empire. On the 16 September 2011 a child was born to Vinnie and Joy, her name is called Christin Alexandra.

Chad, Brad, and Dr Jones drove to the Minnesota State Capital. A gold sculpture of Apollo is near the top of the dome. They spoke “the verdict from the Divine Court to establish the only true Sovereign in the universe.” http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/teachings/ffi-newsletter/ffi-2012/08-01-2012-separating-land-and-sea/

There is the Apollo Theater in New York City. In London there is the Apollo Theatre in the west end on Shaftesbury Ave, in the City of Westminster, London. There is also the Apollo Victoria Theatre on Wilton rd in the City of Westminster, London.

Thomas Signs:

The Victoria Memorial sculpture, dedicated to Queen Victoria, is in the centre of Queen's Gardens in front of Buckingham Palace, in London. Sculptured by Sir Thomas Brock. It features a large statue Queen Victoria and bronze statues of the Angel of Justice, the Angel of Truth and a statue of Charity. The pinnacle features the statue of Victory, with two seated figures, Courage and Constancy. On the steps are two lion sculptures. The memorial was the centrepiece of the stage for the Diamond Jubilee Concert, for Queen Elizabeth II, on 4 June 2012.

The lion is was the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah. Jesus and David were both from this tribe. Nelson's Column, in Trafalgar Square, has four lion statues at its base.

There are several “Albert Memorials” in the United kingdom. Albert Memorial in Albert Square, Manchester, England, was the first to be erected, being unveiled in 1865. It features Prince Albert enclosed in a Ciborium, which is a canopy supported by four columns, in the sanctuary, covering the altar. The statue of Albert was designed by Matthew Noble, the Ciborium was designed by Thomas Worthington. Thomas Goadsby commissioned Noble to sculpt the Prince.

The Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens, London, is similar to the one in Albert Square, Manchester, as both have Prince Albert enclosed in a Ciborium. John Henry Foley started the sculptor of the figure of Albert, but it was finished by Thomas Brock. A number of other sculptors carve the other figures. There is a bronze statue at each corner, representing engineering, agriculture, commerce and manufacturing. At the bottom of the steps are four sculpture groups representing, Europe, Africa, America and Asia.

Noticed Thomas Brock was the sculptor of the Victoria Memorial and finished the Prince Albert figure in the Albert Memorial. Part of the Albert Memorial in Albert Square, was designed by Thomas Worthington and the sculptor was commissioned by Thomas Goadsby. Refer to this journal entry about the eight day wait: Waiting for the Unveiling of the Chosen, Awaiting Thomas

The first London Olympics was in 1908. That was also the year of the Great Race won by a Thomas car. The race involved going from New York City to Paris, France.

Quote: “The route was NYC to San Francisco, Seattle, Valdez, Japan, Vladivostok, Omsk, Moscow, St Petersberg, Berlin and Paris so part of the race involved shipping the cars by boat.

What makes this so outrageous is that it was in the winter, cars were unreliable and had no enclosed cabs or heaters. (the winner didn't even have a windshield) There also were practically no roads. Stats for 1908 list only 8000 cars and 144 miles of paved roads.

That would be cobblestone roads as asphalt started being used in 1910. 13 cars were entered with only 6 actually showing up and only 5 surviving the first day. The head of the winning E R Thomas Motor Company predicted that none of 6 starting cars would even make it to Chicago! Only 3 cars finished but the Thomas "Flyer" was the only one that had covered the entire route and was declared the winner even though it was not the first car to get to Paris. The winner completed the race in 169 days having covered 22,000 miles spending 88 days behind the wheel. George Schuster the winning driver had gone along as one of two mechanics the other mechanic being George Miller.” Quote Ray Walter.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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