The Real Structure of the Universe

Version 3A

By Mark Farquharson

If you know the truth about evolution, the big bang, and the secret societies that run the world, then you should know that everything present to you as fact, is not actually fact, or even true. Things presented even by scientists as fact or truth, may not be. For we humans did not evolve from our ape like cousins, for in fact they are not even our cousins. There was no soup that start it all, there is no prove of any of that, and no proof of a big bang. With this article I uncover another big set of lies that is paraded around as truth to the unsuspecting public.

It is one that most people do not even think about, nearly everyone takes it as fact, even I did until I was present with the truth. Most people would think that such a big set of lies by so many people would not go unnoticed by the public, and that all the people involved would not all be lying about the subject.

What subject? The actual structure of the universe. That is right I am saying that the structure present to us of the universe is incorrect, and not in a small way, but in a really big way.

I want you to think about how many galaxies we have been told are out there in space, and how many stars are in those galaxies. My question to you is how do we know that there are that many galaxies with that many stars? The answer is we know because that is what we are told.

What if there are not that many galaxies with that many stars. What will be present here is a far smaller number of stars. For there are actually a lot less stars than the many billions that are present to us.

In fact what if there is actual less than a billion stars? Then of course there is not enough stars even to full our own galaxy that is meant to have 10 billion {10 000 million} stars. That would mean actual people out number stars, not stars out numbering people as we are told. What if there is less than 100 million stars? In fact I am going to present to you later in this article a figure that is far less than even that number.

With far less stars actually existing than we are told exist, this dramatically reduces the actual size of the universe to a much smaller size. It does away with needing billions of years for the light from those stars to reach us.

The actual universe is far smaller than we have been lead to believe, the scriptures down size the universe so dramatically that it is almost unbelievable, totally unthinkable, given what we have been told and are constantly indoctrinated and bombard with on a daily bases.

What if our solar system is not where they say it is in our galaxy. What if it is actually located closer to the center of everything. And what if the actual structure is different.

What is present to us is that humans live in a solar system that is on a arm of a spiral galaxy, that contains in of itself many billions of stars, and the galaxy is one of many billions of galaxies. Thus we as humans are nothing special, in that sea of galaxies.

In fact since there are so many stars there is bound to be many extraterrestrials races out there. They are now claiming to have found planets outside our solar system. However do we even know they are telling us the truth on that one. The correct answer is that we are taking there word for it, just like many people take there word on evolution or the big bang.

In this way we as humans are moved further away from not only the actual truth, but also God. It helps support the theory of evolution, for with that many stars the possibility that we just happened to evolve, is of course far greater. There is no need for some sort of god, to have created us. But if there was no god, then what started the mythological big bang. With this sort of presentation, many theories can come as to how humans came to be on the earth, including by extraterrestrials. But if we did in fact come from them, where do they come from? No I do not mean what planet, I mean if the person believes that, they did not usual then explain if the aliens evolved or came from some god.

This article will present to you a different structure of the universe to the one you are familiar with. I want you to set aside all that you know about the universe, including our solar system. For God did not put us in some forgot corner of the universe.

How the Universe Was Actually Created:

Creation of the first Heaven and the Earth:

The bible tell us how the actual universe was created, and it presents to us a totally different structure of the universe. A structure that was believed to be the case for a long time. However over time the real structure has been replaced by a false structure. Lets now get back to what is the real structure.

Genesis 1:1 In a beginning Created by the Elohim were the heavens and the earth. {CLV}

Elohim: God.

“Heavens” is translated from the Hebrew word “shamayim.”

“shamayim,” is a dual of the unused singular “shameh.” This comes from the unused root, which means to be lofty. Most of the time this seems to be translated “heavens,” but sometimes it is translated “heaven.”

Genesis 1:2 Yet the earth became a chaos and vacant, and darkness was on the surface of the submerged chaos. Yet the spirit of the Elohim is vibrating over the surface of the water. {CLV}

There is debate about whether the earth was created in that form, or it became chaos, waste and vacant. The first earth actual was destroyed becoming waste. Then the recreation started. This period before the existence of this present heavens and earth is not part of this discussion. The earth was recreated along with a new set of heavens.

Genesis 1:3 And saying is the Elohim, "Become light!" And it is becoming light. {CLV}

This light does not come from the Sun, because the Sun has not been created, it is actually created on day four, which is covered later. Thus the light comes from God, not from any star. At this moment in time, no space has been created for any stars to inhabit. The earth at this point can not be circling the sun, for the sun does not exist at this point. Similarly the earth can not be in motion at this point for there is no universe for it to travel through.

The Creation of the Expanse

Genesis 1:6 And God said, Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it be a means of dividing, between waters and waters,

1:7 And God made the expanse, and it divided between the waters that were under the expanse and the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so.

1:8 And God called the expanse, heavens. So it was evening—and it was morning, a, second day. {REB}

The waters on the earth are divided by the expanse, which is put between the waters. You should think of this as two layers of waters that are separated by this expanse. The bottom layer of waters, which is under the expanse, stays on the earth and still completely covers the land underneath. However the top layer of water, which is above the expanse, does not stay on the earth, for this expanse is enormous, and pushes the water a very long way out. This expanse is called “heavens.”

Genesis 1:9-10 And God said—Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together, into one place, and let the dry—ground appear. And it was so. And God called, the dry-ground, land, but the gathering together of the waters, called he seas. And God saw that it was good. {REB}

The waters that were under the heavens, under the expanse, are gathered together and dry ground appears. Thus this confirms that the waters that are under the expanse are on the earth.

What then is this expanse? The bottom part of the expanse is the atmosphere or the sky. Some translations have the word atmosphere instead of expanse, however this is incorrect, for the expanse is not just the sky. Other translations use “firmament” which is also incorrect, for it also refers to just the sky. What then is the rest of the expanse if the bottom part is the sky? The rest of the expanse is the universe, as I will explain more in this article. There are still no stars or sun or moon for that matter at this point in time.

There are actually three heavens, and the word heaven means lofty, from our point of view on the ground. The three heavens are the sky, space, where the stars are, and the third heaven where the angels are.

Creation of the Stars:

Genesis 1:14 And God said—Let there be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and the night,—and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years;

1:15 yea let them be for luminaries in the expanse of the heavens, to give light on the earth. And it was so. {REB}

The luminaries are created in the expanse, that has water above and waters or dry land below. These luminaries are for the earth alone, they are not for any imaginary extraterrestrials, living on some imaginary world.

Genesis 1:16 And God made the two great luminaries,—the greater luminary to rule the day, and the lesser luminary to rule the night, also the stars.

1:17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens,—to give light on the earth;

1:18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

1:19 So it was evening—and it was morning, a fourth day. {REB}

God creates luminaries in the expanse, two of them are the greater and lesser luminaries, which are the sun and the moon. The stars are also created in the expanse that was created on day two.

Genesis 1:20 And God said—Let the waters swarm with an abundance of living soul, and, birds, shall fly over the earth, over the face of the expanse of the heavens. {REB}

On day five the birds are created that shall fly in this expanse as well. This was the expanse that was placed between the waters. That is the expanse created on day two includes not only the sky, but all of space as well.

However you have to recall what I said at the beginning, there are not that many stars and galaxies out there in space as what we have been told. In fact it is far smaller than that, which I will get to later. The point is space, the universe is a heck of a lot smaller than what scientists tell us.

Thus the top layer of water was pushed all the way out, so that all of space is between the top layer of water and the earth. Thus the shape of the universe is actually a sphere or globe. You have the water as the top layer of the globe and inside the globe is all of space.

The earth is at the center of this globe, that is it is at the center of space itself, not on the spiral arm of some galaxy. There is no solar system, for a solar system has the sun at the center, but that is not the case, for the earth is at the center. It is the Sun that circles the earth, not the earth that circles the sun. All the stars and planets circle the earth. Geocentric is when the earth is at the centre of the system. Heliocentric is when the sun is at the centre of the system.

You may wonder how all the stars can circle the earth, but like I said, there are not that many stars and they are not that far out there. Thus they can regular circle the earth.

Facts about the Structure:

1: The earth is created before the stars, sun, moon, and other planets.

2: The expanse was created on day two, part of it is the sky, which extends out to space and is the first heaven.

3: Space: This is the rest of the expanse that was created on day two and is the second heaven. All the stars, planets, and the sun and moon are in the expanse. Note the earth is not a planet, in that it does not orbit a star. The expanse is shaped like a globe.

4: The waters above the expanse: on the edge of the globe which is space.

The Third Heaven:

This was created first, but is the third heaven from our point of view. This third heaven does not form part of the structure of the universe. It is separate from this universe, but can be accessed from this universe. The scriptures detail angels visiting the earth, which live in the third heaven. Of course Jesus himself came from this heaven in his first visit, and returned there. However when someone dies they do not go to this heaven, they are dead awaiting resurrection. Enoch and Elijah were not transported to this heaven, Enoch was transported to another place on the earth. Elijah was transported briefly into the sky, the first heaven, and also transported to somewhere else on the earth. This heaven does not form part of the structure and therefore is not the focus of this study. Thus I only covering it briefly.


All the stars are in this expanse, which encircles the earth. The earth is at the center of this expanse. This expanse is a lot smaller than what we have been told. There are a lot less stars than what we are told. Every 23 hours and 56 minutes all the stars make a complete revolution of the earth. The form of the waters that are above this expanse provides a highly reflective mechanism, this makes it appear that there are loads more stars than there actually are.

I do not know the actual size of the universe, but it does not have to actually be that big, when you get to the actual number of stars, which I will get to later. There is also reason to think that the planets are a lot closer than what we have been told they are.

Water Above:

You should not think of the water as a liquid, for water can be solid like ice or have a crystal structure. The actual structure is very large crystals thus creating lots of reflections, which accounts for a lot of the stars that are counted. More on the actual number of stars later.

Heliocentric or Geocentric

Heliocentric Cosmology, the sun is at the center of the solar system. Indiscernible to us the world is supposedly spinning at up to 1,039 mph, while going around the sun at 41.89x the muzzle velocity of an AK-47. These supposedly real motions we can not perceive, and what we do perceive, the lack of motion is unreal.

Geocentric is an Earth centred universe, where the Sun orbit’s the Earth. There are different models. Some models have a spinning Earth, other models the Earth does not spin. From our point of view it is the Sun that rises in the morning and sets in the evening. I have read that NASA uses geocentric, Earth centred model for launching rockets.

Of the many attempts right up to the early 1900’s to prove that geocentricity was false and heliocentricity was true, none was successful.

Movements of The Sun and the Moon:

Joshua 10:12-13 Then speaks Joshua to Yahweh in the day of Yahweh's giving up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said, before the eyes of Israel, `Sun--in Gibeon stand still; and moon--in the valley of Ajalon;. and the sun stands still, and the moon has stood--till the nation takes vengeance [on] its enemies; is it not written on the Book of the Upright, `and the sun stands in the midst of the heavens, and has not hasted to go in--as a perfect day?. {CLV}

It is agreed by both Heliocentrists and Geocentrists that the moon is circling the earth. I totally agree with that. Joshua commands both the Sun and the moon to stand still, that is not to move. They both stood still, that is they both stopped moving. Joshua obviously thought of then as both moving, not just the moon, but the sun as well. He told them together to stop there motion. It is not the earth that he told to stop moving, it is the sun that he told to stop moving.

Isaiah 38:7-8 `"And this is the sign for you from Yahweh, that Yahweh will do this thing which He has spoken." Behold Me reversing the shadow on the stairs which descends on the stairs of the upper chamber of Ahaz, and the sun, backward ten stairs."'And the sun is returning ten stairs, on the stairs which the shadow had descended." {CLV}

Backward: If you drive in reverse, you drive backwards, that is in the opposite direction to driving forwards. Anything going backwards has forward direction.

The shadow reversed on the stairs, that is it had gone in one direction, and was now going back in the opposite direction. However it is not just the shadow that moves, for the shadow is connected to the object, that is the sun. The verse clearly states that the sun moves as well as the shadow that is made. The sun itself went back ten stairs, causing the shadow to go back ten stairs. It does not say the earth moved backward.

Is it that what is really meant here is that the earth is in motion and not the sun in theses scriptures? Is what is used here in the scriptures the "language of appearance." That is from the point of the viewer the sun stopped moving, or moved backwards, but really it was the earth. But Joshua commanded the SUN, not the Earth, to stop moving. How is it that the earth stopped moving when it was not commanded to stop? Further if one is to argue that it is the earth and not the sun, then is it also not the moon, but some other object? For if it is not the sun but the earth that stops moving by Joshua’s command, then is it Mars that stops moving and not the moon? Clear one would say that is not the case, when Joshua commands the moon to stand still the moon stops moving. However one can not accept that it is the same for the sun, when Joshua commands the sun to stand still it is the sun that stops moving. One wants to change it to another object, that of the earth. Changing accepts of the scriptures reduces them to the level of myths and legends.

Who is it that informs us that the earth is moving? The scriptures do not tell us that anywhere. Thus it is scientists that tell us that.

Loads of people study the bible with the idea of fitting what happened in the scriptures to science. However in science the earth always moves in one direct and does not stop moving, thus how did it spin backwards, how did it stop it‘s motion? Science can not explain all aspects of the scriptures. With this use of science one does away with creation, replacing it with billions of years. One does away with the world wide flood in the days of Noah, the virgin birth, angels, the miracles that Jesus did while he was on the earth and many other aspects of the scriptures.

What of the Seasons in a Geocentric Model?

Model 1: Sun goes around Earth each day:

As the sun goes around the equator each day it’s position does not stay the same, for it follows a path called the ecliptic, through a yearly cycle. The highest position is the summer solstice, longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere at this time it would be the shortest day. From this point it declines each day, as it goes around the Earth each day, until it reaches its lowest position, which is the winter solstice, shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere and the summer solstice, longest day, in the Southern Hemisphere. The vernal and autumnal equinoxes are when the sun crosses the equator.

Model 2: As the Earth rotates in the centre, the Sun takes a year to go around the ecliptic. Thus instead of orbiting each day around the Earth, it takes a year to go round.

Does the Earth Spin?

In a sun centred solar system the Earth needs to spin. If the Earth did not spin as it circled the sun, then one half would be in darkness all the time and the other would be in daylight all the time. In a geocentric, Earth centred model the Earth does not need to spin for this reason as the sun goes around the Earth. No half is left in darkness all the time or day light all the time. However in some geocentric models the Earth does spin, in other models it does not.

The other reason the Earth needs to spin according to scientists is gravity, if it did not spin there would be no gravity, nothing to keep us on the planet. However it is scientists that are tell us that it is the spinning of the Earth that courses gravity that keeps us here. But if the Earth does not spin what keeps us here? I will cover that later.

The problem with something spinning is that it is not actually a downward force. For a spinning object does not create a downward force. Let me explain, most of you will know of the spinning bucket demonstration. The person has a full bucket of water that he spins around and no water comes out. However which direction is the force that is keeping the water in the bucket? The force is outward from the direction of the person. The water is being pushed towards the bottom of the bucket, it can not go any further outward because the bottom of the bucket stops it. If it was an inward force, then the water would be pushed out of the bucket as it spin around. However this is clearly not the case as the water stays in the bucket. The thing that is keep the water in the bucket is the bottom of the bucket, if there was a hole in the bottom of the bucket, the water would be force out of the hole. If an object was place on the outside of the bucket as it spin around, the object would be sent in an outward direction. This is an example of centrifugal forces. These forces pull objects away from the centre.

Small Centrifuges are used for separating substances in a lab. The substances in the test tubes are spin around, the heavier materials are pushed to the bottom of the tube. The bottom of the tube is further away from the centre of the spin.

Larger Centrifuges are used by NASA and the US Air Force to test astronauts and pilots. The person is strapped in as he is rotated at great speed. If the person was not strapped in then they would be flung off, in a outwards direction, hitting the wall.

A rotating, spinning Earth would cause centrifugal forces, these forces would literally fling everything off the Earth that is not firmly attached to the Earth. It is claimed the Earth is spinning at 1000 mph. Thus to stop this from happening there would need to be some other force.

What then does keep us all on the Earth? Atmospheric pressure or air pressure is the downward pressure coursed by the weight of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is made up of gases and a liquid, water, in a vapour form. As you go up there is less air pressure. If the Earth is rotating and you remove the air pressure, then everyone and everything would be flung off into space.

Only one side of the moon can be seen from the Earth, proving that it does not rotate. Thus it does not have any rotational gravity. If it did rotate the effect would be the opposite, course anti-gravity. This is actually the case, any rotating object causes the opposite effect, anti-gravity. It is reported that the Moon does have gravity, which is not cause by rotation, because it does not rotate. Thus if this is indeed the case, then you do not need something to rotate to cause gravity, for it is there in a non-rotating object.

In a Heliocentric Cosmology, the world is supposedly spinning at up to 1,039 mph. This rotation is mean to have no effect on what is going on in the world, for instance no effect on the speed you are travelling. Thus if I am walking or driving or going by train, it does not effect the motion, the speed. If I take of in a plane or helicopter it also does not effect the speed. Think about it, the plane or helicopter lifts off the ground into the sky. The ground however is travelling at up to 1,039 mph, and according to them it has no effect.

Lets look at it differently, there is a large ship on the water that has a helicopter on it. The ship is at rest, the sea is claim. If the helicopter takes of straight up and hovers it will be able to land again by going straight down. However lets change it, the ship is now moving at speed through the water, the helicopter takes off and hovers. The helicopter is staying in the same position, if it goes straight down can it land on the same spot on the ship, that it took off from? Of course not, the ship is moving away from the position of the helicopter.

But when the helicopter takes of from the ground and hovers, it can supposedly land in the same position on a rotating Earth, by coming straight down. The helicopter is not fix to the ground once it takes off, but supposedly it is taken around with the Earth as in rotates. This rotation somehow pulls it along, but it is not meant to have any noticed effect on the helicopter. Supposedly the helicopter can still go in any direction, while being pulled along with the Earth. Think about it this way, how do you land a plane on a runway, that is moving away from the plane?

Movement of the Planets:

The Sun appears to rise in the East and set in the West, this is also the cast for most stars. However it is different if you are observing the stars from the poles. At the North pole the observe on the ground would see the stars making counter clockwise circles around the celestial pole. At the south pole the stars would appear to move in clockwise circles around the celestial pole.

The planets appear to move most of the time in a West to East direction against the background of the stars. On a regular basis a planet’s movement will be observed reversing in direction, and for a short time it will go East to West, which is known as retrograde motion. Thus forming a loop.

Copernican Explanation:

Is the theory of Nicolaus Copernicus, who came up with a model of the planets doing circular orbits of the Sun. The outer planets move more slowly than the inner planets, accounting for the observed retrograde motion. Kepler’s refinements, including elliptical orbits give rises to the model that is used today.

Ptolemaic Explanation:

Ptolemy (87 - 150 A.D.) developed a model of the universe with the Earth at the centre with the Stars and the moon moving in perfect circles. The planets do small circular orbits while doing the larger orbit of the Earth. This did not fit the observe paths of the planets, and the model was refined, which included the orbits of the planets being offset, meaning the orbits were no longer Earth centred. However the complicated model still did not account for the observed positions of the planets.

Retrograde Model:

In a retrograde model the planet does do a retrograde motion some of the time as it orbit’s the Earth. As the planet orbits it starts to come closer to the Earth, until a certain point where it does a loop motion. Then it heads back out away from the Earth and continues on it’s way.

Another Model: The Sun, moon and stars go around the Earth at the centre, but the planets go around the Sun, as it circles the Earth.

How Many Stars:

Indications that the Stars are far few in Number:

Nahum 3:16 You increase your traders more than the stars of the heavens. The grub strips itself and will fly away. {CLV}

This scripture is about a city, for it refers to it as the city of blood{ Nahum 3:1}, and is from the Old Testament. Thus the city increased it’s traders more than the stars of the heavens, before Jesus was born. The traders are the ones buying and selling goods. How could there be more than the number of stars we are told exist?

With the great increases in population since that time the whole world population still has not even reached the number of stars in this one galaxy. How then can one city back then have reached that number? The answer is that there are far less stars than we have been told. There has been a massive increase in the world population over the last 200 years going from 1 billion to seven billion. The world population back in 1 AD is estimated at only about 200 million. Since the number trades in one city was greater than the number of stars, the number of stars is then far less than 200 million, the world population at 1 AD.

Psalms 147:4 The One counting the number of stars, He is calling them all by their names." {CLV}

With all the stars having names you would think that there is not actually be that many as we have been told exist by scientists.

How Many Stars Are There Really?

One could be forgive for thinking that there is no way one can really get to the answer. For if they are lying about the true number of stars and galaxies, how then can we find an answer. Would not we need giant telescopes and the such with advanced computers even to come up with an answer that is even close? Actually one does not need any of that to come up with an answer, all one has to do is turn to one’s bible. For the scriptures actually give us an idea of the actually number.

Nehemiah 9:23 And their sons You have multiplied as the stars of the heavens, and bring them in unto the land that You have said to their fathers to go in to possess. {CLV}

After the forty years that Israel spend in the wilderness, the sons had multiplied as the stars of heaven. The original people were sentenced to die in the wilderness, and were replaced by their children who entered the land. The number of original people is put usually at around 5 million. I do believe it was well below a million. In any case the number enter the land would not be to much greater than the original number.

The point is they are compared to the stars which indicates that the numbers should be similar. However the number of galaxies is in the billions and there are mean to be billions of stars in each galaxy. Clear if the sons was less than a million, then the stars should be less than that as well.

There are a few things that should be pretty obvious about this number of stars. There are actual many more people than stars, which is the opposite of what we have been told. It does not support the number of galaxies that we have be told exist. For there are many more galaxies than actual stars in existence. Billions of supposed galaxies but only millions of actual stars. That of course is impossible, thus all those galaxies do not actually exist. The other point is that, in even one galaxy like our own galaxy there is meant to be billions of stars, not just millions. Thus there is not even one actual galaxy that exists. That is right, our galaxy does not even exist. All this business of billions of stars making up a galaxy and there being billions of galaxies is actually a bunch of lies, for none of them actual exist.

However there is something in the actual structure of the universe which accounts for some additional stars. I will cover this move later, but it is reflections. That is not all the stars seen out there are actual stars, some are reflections of actual stars. Thus counting reflections and actual stars does get you a higher number than actual stars, but I do not believe you get those sort of numbers, that is claimed, by including reflections. I will explain more on reflections later.

Temporary Heavens and Earth:

This current heavens and earth is only temporary and will soon be replaced. The scriptures tell us that there will be a new Heavens and Earth.

Isaiah 65:17 For, behold Me creating new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered, nor shall they come upon the heart." {CLV}

Isaiah 66:22 For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make, will stand before Me, averring is Yahweh, "So stand shall your seed and your name." {CLV}

Revelation 20:11 And I perceived a great white throne, and Him Who is sitting upon it, from Whose face earth and heaven fled, and no place was found for them." {CLV}

Revelation 21:1-2 And I perceived a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth pass away, and the sea is no more." {CLV}

The sea here is not on the earth, for it mentions it separately from the earth. When the earth is destroyed everything on the earth will also be destroyed, there is no point in mentioning it separately if it is a sea on the earth. This sea is the water that is above the expanse, the heavens. These above waters will also be destroyed.

While scientists have the earth’s destruction many billions of years in the future, they are totally wrong. According to the scriptures it will be destroyed on the Day of the Lord when the Lord Jesus Christ returns.

2 Peter 3:10-13 Now the day of the Lord will be arriving as a thief, in which the heavens shall be passing by with a booming noise, yet the elements shall be dissolved by combustion, and the earth and the works in it shall be found. At these all, then, dissolving, to what manner of men must you belong in holy behavior and devoutness, hoping for and hurrying the presence of God's day, because of which the heavens, being on fire, will be dissolved, and the elements decompose by combustion! Yet we, according to His promises, are hoping for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness is dwelling. {CLV}

Thief here meaning a surprise, for it will be a surprise when the day comes. The heavens will be on fire and the elements will combust. Thus the present heavens and earth will be destroyed by fire. There will be a totally new heavens and earth. This return of the Lord will happen very soon I believe. I will not get into the detail of what happens on the day of the Lord, for that is outside this study. For that refer to the article: “Christ’s Second Advent, the Day of the Lord”

Plan Of God:

If you know the true plan of God, then you will know that this present universe is only actually in existence for a short period of time. For actually the present universe has only be around for about 6000 years, and will be totally destroyed at the end of the coming millennium reign. This present short term universe will be replaced by a totally new universe along with a new much bigger earth. Why would God create the universe the way it is present to us, if the whole universe is actually only in existence for such a short period of time. However this study is not about the overall plan, or the new universe, it is about the present structure.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012. Updated February 2020

Illustration: Creation of the Present Universe

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