Double Feast of Unleavened Bread

24 May 2011, Updated 2 June 2011, Edited 11 June 2011

By Mark Farquharson

There is a second Unleavened Bread Feast along with second Passover and second wave-sheaf offering. Something I only just recently find out. Now Passover day is the 14th of the month, and Unleavened Bread starts on the 15th and goes for a week.

Lev 23:5-6 In the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the evenings, is a Passover unto Yahweh; and on the fifteenth day of this month, is the festival of unleavened cakes unto Yahweh,—seven days—unleavened cakes, shall ye eat. {Rotherham}

While this passage is about the first Passover and first Unleavened Bread/cakes, it is the same for the second occurrence of these in the second Hebrew month, that is the fourteenth of the month for second Passover and second Unleavened bread starting on the fifteenth day of the month.

In the days of Hezekiah the whole nation observed the second Passover in the second Hebrew month, 2 Chronicles 30. And the whole nation observed the second Unleavened Bread.

2 Chronicles 30:21 And so the sons of Israel who were found in Jerusalem kept the festival of unleavened cakes seven days, with great rejoicing,—and the Levites and the priests, were offering praise unto Yahweh day by day, with loud instruments, unto Yahweh.

Then we find that they extended the Unleavened Bread feast by seven days, making it a two week feast instead of the usual one week:

2 Chronicles 30:23 Then all the convocation took counsel, to keep seven days more,—and they kept seven days, with rejoicing.

According to Dr Jones this is our pattern for 2011. Thus there is a need to extended the “watch dates” beyond second wave-sheaf offering. The firstfruits of barley was the time the 9th sign of Elisha happened, making this a watch time.

What then are the watch dates? First an explanation of when the month started. When did the Hebrew month start, first visible crescent or new moon? I counting from the new moon for the start of the month, not the first visible crescent. They knew when new moon was because they celebrated new moon and kept new moon days. If you go from first crescent you are a day or two out.

Now on to the dates of the Unleavened Bread which always started on the full moon, for both first Unleavened bread and second Unleavened bread. Starting with new moon and counting out to the 8th brought you to first quarter and counting to the 15th brought you to full moon. This being the regular cycle of the moon phases. Full moon for the month of May 2011, was on the 17th of May, thus based on that here are the dates for the two weeks.

May 17-23 (first week)

May 24-May 30 (second week)

In the second week there will be another wave-sheaf offering for that week.

Now NZ will arrive at the dates first, but I think those in NZ will have to wait for any event until the day dawns in Israel at least, probably have to wait for the day to dawn in the US.

However the waiting for the ninth sign maybe a bit longer than that, for the provision came in the third month.

2 Ch 31:4 And he {Hezekiah} said to the people, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to give the portion of the priests, and of the Levites, so that they are strengthened in the law of Yahweh;" {CLV}

2Ch 31:6-7 And the sons of Israel and Judah, those dwelling in cities of Judah, they also a tithe of herd and flock, and a tithe of the holy things that are sanctified to Yahweh their Elohim {God}, have brought in, and they give--heaps, heaps;" in the third month they have begun to lay the foundation of the heaps, and in the seventh month they have finished. {CLV}

Interestingly they started in the third month and continued to the seventh month. Does that mean some on going provision, for the chosen, the body of Christ? I do not know at this time. In terms of Elisha sign in 2 Kings 4, as far as I know it was a one of provision and not on going. It does not tell us when they started in the third month, but one could think it was at the start of the month, if the king said straight after the feast to give the portion.

Having a two week feast starting on the 15th brings you to the 28th of the Hebrew month, which is not the end of the month, for a lunar based month, which ends on the 29th or the 30th since the cycle of the moon is 29 ½ days. Thus there could be one or two days before the start of the next month. When then is new moon for June, this should tell us when the month starts. From what I can gather it is on 1st of June, thus the third Hebrew month should start June 1st, which is our sixth month, thus a two day wait. Notice something interesting, the third Hebrew month, starts exactly when our sixth month starts, and six is double three, this could be indicating the double portion.

Noted 1st June, is a new moon day, which were observed in ancient Israel, and were not work days, therefore the start of the provision maybe the day after.

Does this relate to the revaluation of the dinar? I do not believe that it does, for the provision will need to be vast, and I just do not think that there is enough of the members of the body investing in the dinar at this time, with enough funds to make that much of the revaluation of the dinar. Not all the members of the body are investing, for not all have read about investing in the dinar. Some others who have heard might not have invested due to lack of funds. While I have read about investing in the dinar at Dr Jones website, I have not been given any other indication that I should invest, I have always thought for what even reason that this is not the provision. I am not saying that nothing will be made of the revaluation, I am saying there would not be enough made of the dinar.

The ones that will come against us, including many Christian churches, have many millions of dollars already, not to mention the fact that many millions more will continue to come in from donations, and sales of products. They can also easily start a campaign for a lot more money to fight against what the true body is saying.

The other point is, in 2 Kings 4 and in 2 Chronicles 31, the provision did not come in the form of money made of any investments, the provisions were given to them in both cases.

Signs given to me could also point to this time: On the 14th April I was told that the next meeting would be in two weeks. The two weeks come to the 28th April. Now April is our fourth month, and four is double two, double portion. Relating it to the two week feast, the last day of the feast is the 28th of the second Hebrew month.

I observed the full moon on the day after the first Passover, back on the 18th April. The feast of Unleavened bread starts on the full moon. I observed the moon again on the 16th of May, it looked full, but that was not the date of the full moon. The next night it looked full again, that was actually the date of the full moon, but I did not think so at the time, having a false date. Both days the curtain was open. On the following night the curtain was closed, I pulled it aside and looked. This I now think was an indication that I was wrong on the date, for the way was blocked, indicating the time had passed. Thus I have observed two full moons, this second one, being the one to count from. On Saturday morning, the 21st, I observed the waning moon in the sky. Indicating that this is the feast period to watch as the moon wanes away.

However if the provision does not come by June, then there could be a long wait, for the next barley harvest, next year. With all the signs I have been getting I would think it would be this year, next year seems unlikely, however if not this year, I will have time to re-examine the signs and revelations I have got. Along with any new signs I get.

There are other signs given in Dr Jones weblog which point to certain dates, which all end by June 1. The weblog entry is here: “Report on Wave-sheaf offering

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011, Updated 2 June 2011, Edited 11 June 2011

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