Pentecost, Water, Provision

3 June 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Has Pentecost just gone, or is it still coming? Those who do a seven week count and have it on the fiftieth day will say that it has gone. However I count differently, because I add fifty days to the seven weeks. Thus I get a 99 day count from the wave-sheaf. Using this method it is still coming up. I will not get in to the reasons why it is an addition fifty day count in this short journal entry. For a detailed explanation as to why it is an additional fifty days refer to this article: True Count to Feast of Weeks and Pentecost

The next question is when was wave-sheaf, for there are two views. Is it after the weekly sabbath or the special sabbath? If it is after the weekly sabbath then it was on the 31 March. However if it was after the special sabbath for the start of unleavened bread then it was on the 27 March. The 99th day for the first count gets you the 7 July, and for the second count it gets you the 3 July. Recall the disciples had to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost before they could leave.

The sign of Halloween, connected to a Pegasus, came on the 2 June 2013. If I take this as a sign of the 31 October, then I can look to November and December dates. The 30 November is the anniversary of the building of the pyramid by Dr Jones. It is also the anniversary of the return of the Stone of Destiny which occurred 14-30 November 1996. It also connects to a sign I got of a large gate opening. Could this gate indicate the Opening of the Door of Heaven? Possibly. Dating the 30th day then would be the 2 July, which is one day before our Pentecost count.

Another watch dates would be the dates that links to the period 9-11 December, which would be 11-13 July. This is when I got prophecy, mostly on the 11 December 2011.

I got the sign water well on the 30 May connected to Baptism, and I got the sign water well again on the 2 June. However the sign on the 30 May was that the well was unfinished, and that it was finished on the 2 June. Recall that after Jesus’ baptism he was in the wilderness for forty days. After the forty days he began heralding. A forty day period would go from the 3 June until the 12 July, thus the day after would be the 13 July. However do you start your count on the 2 or the 3 June? Thus we can say about the 11-12 July for the forty days.

Having said that, I indicated a thirty day period above, it does not have to be forty days, it could be thirty. Then again it could be forty days.

The Anniversary of Divine Visitation at St Paul’s was on the 14 July, thus one day after the above date. Note this was on the 24 of the forth Hebrew month of Tamuz, which this year falls on the 2 July, being the date indicated by the thirty day count.

Last time due to dreams and a prophecy I thought that the revalue would occur on the 18 of the third Hebrew month. I had a dream where my father was purchasing something at 205, and Julius had a dream where he was “looking at the CBI site and saw a dollar/dinar 1:1 and some of the other currencies had dashes ----- or 205.” Thus comparing the two dreams and the signs I was getting, my thinking was that it would occur on the 27 May 2013, being the 18 of the third Hebrew month.

However there was an earlier dream. In my earlier dream there was food in a library. The provision, the ninth sign of Elijah/Elisha in the scriptures was food. Thus the food in the dream can represent the ninth sign. In the second dream the purchase at 205 was in a shop in a shopping mall. Thus it was not in a library.

Other watch dates:

Anniversary of the Marriage Proposal 19 June

Anniversary of the Ring 21 June

Anniversary of the Boxing Match 28 June

Anniversary of Spiritual Work 10 July

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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