Announcing new Blog

01 June 2009

By Mark Farquharson

Finally I have a new blog, after much delay, the new blog has been launch, with it’s first entry. However it is not the blog that I had originally planned. When I got the idea for the blog, I had a number of ideas of things that I was going to write about. Well the first entry in the new blog is not one of them. It seems to me I get revelations about things that I am going to do. Like changing something on the site, or doing something new on the site, but sometimes when they actually get done, they are different to what I thought. That is not a bad thing, it is just unexpected, what form the new thing was going to actually take was kept from me. In all things God and the Lord know best, and it is them that are in control. Christ is now in control, under God of course.

Of course the new blog is actually better than what I thought, which must be good. I am of course talking about content, not readership. The things I will be covering will be much better than what I thought I would cover in the blog.

The Blog was originally going to be named after the first website that is it was going to be called “Golden Knight” as the few that went to that first site know it was actually called “Golden Knight site”. However someone had “Golden Knight”, which is why I went with “Golden Knight site”. This was all part of God’s plan all along. Well when I went to get “Golden Knight” someone already had it. Hence the blog needed a different name. After some thought, I decided on “God’s Golden Knight”, and I also decide to change the name of the site to the same name. However changing the name meant a whole new site. I quickly moved over the articles, and I was away again writing up articles.

What happen to the blog? Well there is a blog called “God’s Golden Knight”, but there are no entries in this blog. Even thou I thought up a number of entries, none of them actually came about. Hence I put on the Home page “delayed” next to the word blog. I still thought it could come, but I had to much on. There where articles that I need to do. They are important articles that needed to be written up.

Then a few days ago I was give a revelation, I was to start a totally different blog, and it was going to have a different name. I thought about the new name, for sometime, I even shortened it to “God Loves”, but it turns out that God was having none of that. There was a blog all ready called “God Loves”, I checked it out, nothing much there, and nothing is happening there. Also there is a blog called “God Loves all”, another one that has nothing much at all. It seems God thought a head and had people take these names, know this would make me go with “God Loves All Creation”. And after acquiring “God Loves All Creation”, I also check “God is Love” also gone. Note this is at Blogspot, I know there are other provides, but I am not checking them all. It seems this is where it is meant to be.

Hence that is the name of the new blog, and it is the one I was given. Which should tell you something about the entries I will be posting there.

I remember that I was told to tell the world that I Love God. I now know that I was also to tell the world that God loves them. It seems it is my time to start telling the world. I have waited some time to tell the world, it is now time to get on with it before the world ends.

I encourage you who ever you are, to also tell the world that God loves them.

Just click here to go to the new blog: God Loves All Creation {Link has been removed}

Update 26 Jan 2010: God Loves All Creation Blog: This blog has been deleted, all entries from this blog have been reposted in this Journal.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2009 Updated 26 Jan 2010

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