Prince William, Knight of the Thistle and the Ring

16 June 2012

By Mark Farquharson

The Queen will mark Prince William’s 30th birthday by making him a Knight of the Thistle. The Order of the Thistle is the highest honor in Scotland and has a complement of 16 Knights. St Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland is also the patron saint of the Order of the Thistle.

The mention of thistles in the scriptures:

Genesis 3:18 Thorn also and thistle, shall it shoot forth to thee,—when thou hast come to eat of the herb of the field {REB}

Job 31:40 Then may the thistle come forth instead of wheat, And nightshade instead of barley! The words of Job are finished. {CLT}

Matthew 7:16 From their fruits you shall be recognizing them. Not from thorns are they culling grapes, nor from star thistles figs." {CLT}

Prince William was born at 9.03pm on 21 June 1982.

Note the 21 June is the anniversary of Ring having appeared in 2001. The presenting of the ring is confirmation to the marriage proposal on the 19 June 2001. When Jesus returns he will return as the bridegroom to marry his bride the faithful, the body. William is to become a Knight of the Thistle, on the anniversary of Ring. I do not believe in coincidences, thus there is a link between Prince William becoming a Knight of the Thistle and the anniversary of the ring. The faithful produce the good fruit, and are the ones that will be married to the Lord, they get the ring. William does not produce the good fruit, for he is a thistle, you can not get figs from him. I do not know how it links together, or how this links to the other London signs.

That does not mean he is the Antichrist that is to come before the great tribulation. This is because there is no great tribulation to come. There is also no single Antichrist to come. The term “antichrist” is only used by John and only in his letters, 1 John & 2 John. In fact there are many antichrists, and they had already come in John’s day {1John 2:18}. For more on antichrists refer to my entry: Who is the Antichrist

Prince William when born weighted 7 pounds 1 1/2 ounces, which you could read as the number 7112 which is close to the sign 7:11. My present thinking on 7:11 is that it is 7 month based on the lunar cycle and 11 year. There is currently a delay, which seems to be a year, or it could be from 2001. Starting on the 27 December 2011 the 7 month is the 21 June, this being based on the six full moons I have seen this year. Of course 7112 could mean the 7 month, 1st day of the month, of the 12 year. Or it could mean something else.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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