The Bride Is Ready

By Mark Farquharson

The Bride is ready

For she does not know when her bridegroom will come

Dressed in white clean garments

Cleansed of her sins

With her torch burning

For she is the light of the world

She is the light in this world of darkness

She awaits her bridegroom

Who could come at anytime

Late in the night

Even in the third watch

For she is dressed and ready

Enduring to the end

With her torch burning

Awaiting for him

For she does not know, when he will come

She has to be ready

For those who are not

Get left behind

For they miss out

For there is no time to get ready

When he comes

For he takes those that are ready

There is no waiting around

No time to get ready when he comes

For he takes those that are ready to the wedding

Those that are not are left behind

The bride has to be ready

For she does not know when the bridegroom will come

The Bride is ready

With her torch burning

Watching and waiting

Dressed in white clean wedding garments

For when he comes

The shout goes out

Those that are ready

Go with the bridegroom to the wedding

Those that are not miss out

For there is no time to get ready

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010, Edited 27 September 2010.

Article: The Wedding of Christ and His Bride

Spiritual Songs