My Journey

By Mark Farquharson

My family use to go to church until we had a bad experience, and then decide to stop going. Looking back the experience was not that bad actually. Over the years I thought about God and religion sometimes, but not that much. However things change, and I starting doing so research in to it all. However I didn’t start going to church as such.

That was over eight years ago when I got a new computer that had something called a modem, I could finally connect to the internet. I started to search for sites about Christianity, and find many. I started to read articles on line, and then I started to listen to sermons on-line. Though all that something actually kept me from actually going to a church, you know a building. I start to listen to sermons online every week. It was like I was going to church, but I didn’t actually get to talk to anyone, and I didn’t have to donate. At the end of every sermon the pastor would call people down to be saved, now I know different. At the end of 2005 I decided to go to a actual church building for the first time. The following week I went to a closer church, but after that I decide never to go back.

I had discovered something that change everything, something those churches did not teach, I decided they were wrong, and never went back. I did not have any friends at those churches having only gone once to each one. I had no ties, no connection to the churches. I also stopped listening to these weekly sermons.

A few weeks before I went to that first church I came across a website, that had stuff on it that was against what I believe in at the time. I decided never to go there again, but that all changed after I had been to those two churches. I had not saved the site, it was not in the history folder. It was gone, where was it, I had to track it down again, where had I clicked from to get to that site? In the end I find the site, and started reading a lot of stuff there. The site was:

That was the site that I learn about Universal Reconciliation from first. That is the way I was enlightened to the truth, my thanks go to the Lord, and the Lord’s Father God for enlightening me. However that was just the beginning, and I went out and find other sites, that also believed in Universal Reconciliation. What I find was that there are many different believes among those people who believe in Universal Reconciliation. Including evolution, creation, the trinity, God being one person the Father, the coming millennium, not believe in the coming millennium, and a load of other stuff. Some even limit Universal Reconciliation just to mankind.

Even thou I first find out about Universal Reconciliation at bible-truths, I don’t agree with a number of the beliefs there. I now have my own set, some of it agrees with some sites that are out there, some of it does not.

Before I find out about Universal Reconciliation I had a topic at a forum where I write about religious stuff. When I find out about it, I started posting about it in the topic, it was not a religious site, which may have been why I did not start a new topic. I start to write something that in the end had almost 20 parts. It is not posted here but I might post it one day, it needs a rewrite. The site got blogs, and I start to write entries in a blog at the site in Sep 2006. You could have ever only see the blog if you were a member. The blogs were upgraded, however all blog entries were lost on the site, but the important ones were saved on my PC. A short time after that I start my first website Sep 2008, I put a number of the old blog entries on the site and start putting new entries there as well. Later I changed to the current site.

By the way I still don’t actually go to church. You can get a lot done on a Sunday.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2009

For a summary of my beliefs: My Beliefs

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