All Saved Overview

By Mark Farquharson

This it meant to be a quick overview of the topic, without getting to bogged down in scripture. Instead it will cover it from different points of view.

God is the Father

God is the father of us all, each and everyone of us. We are all God’s children, and he is our father. As a father he Loves us ALL and only wants the best for us. God knows his children and knows what is good for them. God wants to reconcile us to him.

God’s Love

God loves all his children no matter what they have done. This is pointed out in the story in the bible where the one son goes into the world and the other stays home. After the son has gone out and sin in the world, he comes home. The father welcomes him home and has a feast waiting for him.

God is in control

God is in control of everything. Loads of christians believe he controls the good, but not the bad. No God is in control of everything, there is nothing outside of his control. Satan long thought of by many to be outside of God’s control, is not, God is in control of Satan. This maybe hard to understand, and even hard to accept, but that does not make it untrue. If something where outside of his control, then we have a problem, and there is an element that can damage God’s plans.

God’s Will & God’s Power

God’s will is to save all mankind, somehow people seem to think that the God that created the whole universe, the millions of galaxies, billions of stars, the sun, the Earth, and all live on the earth, can not save everyone…. Complete rubbish…

God has the will and power to save everybody.

They think they have freewill, that even thou God’s will is to save them, that they have a choice, that their will is stronger than God’s will, now that is crazy.

The Big Picture do you have it?

People think that everyone has a choice, between good and evil. They seem to think that they can choice correctly between the two. How can you make a chose when Satan is a the greatest liar, the most powerful deceiver, that he can appear as light? High can you make a choice when you can not even grasp the glories that are to come.

What makes them think that God give them a choice but not other people. There are countless billions of people who have died and never even heard of Christ, or the true God. Loads of people have in the past worshiped false gods, not out of some choice, but because of the believes of their culture at the time.

Loads of people have died before an age where they could reasonable make a choice. There have been countless people who are mental disabled from birth.


I will just present a few passages of the many that point to all saved.

John 1 29 On the morrow he is observing Jesus coming toward him, and is saying, "Lo! the Lamb of God Which is taking away the sin of the world! {CLV}

Did he not take away the sin of the world?

1 Timothy 4 9 Faithful is the saying and worthy of all welcome

10 (for this are we toiling and being reproached), that we rely on the living God, Who is the Saviour of all mankind,

11 especially of believers. These things be charging and teaching. {CLV}

It is interesting that christians don’t teach this, even thou this is the thing that we are told to do.

1 John 4 14 And we have gazed upon Him, and are testifying that the Father has dispatched the Son, the Saviour of the world. {CLV}

Is not the Son the Saviour of the world? YES, he is the Saviour of the world!


Note: This is just a overview, some or all of these points are expanded upon in other articles.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2008

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