Numbers Bridge to Mt Eden Stadium

By Mark Farquharson

Sequence Starts:

Numbers bridge, has numbers on path across bridge

Ken Maunder Park

Road bridge

Avondale Racecourse Entrance

Avondale Racecourse Gates, White wooden gates, then main gates.

Park with water tap

Avondale Racecourse 1600 End

Avondale Primary School

Avondale Train Station

Top of hill, Start of New North rd.

Entrance to Alan Wood Reserve:

Start of sequence: Alan Wood Park to Three Kings

Harbutt Reserve


Entrance to Anderson Park, stay on New North rd, do not enter park.

{Alternate Route to St Lukes Mall starts, covered below}

Hebron Christian College

Mt Albert shops

Willcott Mews 22a, Numbers 1-40, missing 13 or 14, meaning there is only 39 boxes. Just before train station.

Mount Albert Train Station

Ferndale Park

Pyramids on poster at bus stop

Alice Wylie Reserve

Coronation Oaks Reserve

Marist Primary School

Mt Albert War Memorial Park

{Alternate Route to St Lukes Mall ends, covered below}

Greatest Passover

St Lukes Westfield mall, Mt Albert

Food outlets in mall. Go large sign.

Cinemas in St Lukes Westfield mall.

Book shop in mall

Bank in St Lukes Westfield mall

Supermarket in St Lukes Westfield mall

Mt Albert Library

Warren Freer Park

Gribblehirst Park

Eden Park, Stadium

Sequence Ends

Alternate Route to St Lukes Mall

Anderson Park, walk through park.

To the top of the Owairaka/Mt Albert in Mt Albert. {Note two names for the same mount}

Mt Albert Grammar School Farm

Fergusson Ave Reserve

Mt Albert Grammar School

Swimming centre with wave pools, in Mt Albert Grammar School grounds.

Roy Clements Treeway at side and back of school

Morning Star St Lukes Garden Apartments

Rejoin sequence above at Greatest Passover sign


Greatest Passover is covered in this entry: The Greatest Passover to Come

St Lukes Westfield mall: Sign and comments on this mall are covered in these entries:

St Lukes Mall signs & the Music signs

Sign of 210, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Bird Sign, Bookstore Dream, Book Buying

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2018

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