Dinar Update, Overthrows and US Going to War

7 January 2012

By Mark Farquharson

It now seems that it is close to the revaluation of the dinar based on events that seem to be fulfilling a prophesy. The prophesy was delivered to a couple that were discussing the dinar by a strange man.

“The man tells him, "Good, it's going to revalue soon and when it does you need to buy silver and gold because once it does everything is going to change". My friend said, "Well we heard that it's supposed to RV any day now". The man responds, "Not yet but soon. What you see going on in Egypt is going to happen in two more middle eastern countries and the US will go into another war." and then he says this, "When it does happen it will RV at 3.18, when it does RV, everything is going to change".”

From God‘s kingdom Ministries: “Dinar Watch Update

Thus from this prophecy the RV will not occur until two more regimes are overthrown and the US enters another war. Another regime has been overthrown since the time of the prophecy that of Libya. Thus one more to be overthrown, is it time for the Syria regime to be overthrown. According to Bible Prophecy Blog:

“Defense Minister Barak told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committee on January 2 that Syrian dictator Bashar Assad will be toppled from power within a few weeks time.

The veteran Israeli political leader and former armed forces chief said that the increasing defection of thousands of Syrian military personnel to the increasingly powerful anti-government opposition spells the end of the Assad family dynasty which has ruled Syria since the 1970s. Barak added that anarchy will probably follow the overthrow of the brutal regime, warning this could easily spill over into the Israeli-ruled Golan Heights, which was captured by IDF forces from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War. ”


It does seem likely that the Syria regime will be overthrown which would fulfill the prophecy the question is when. This blog post is dated 3 January 2012, thus a few weeks would be end of January if it is in that time.

The other part of the prophecy is that the US will go into another war. This looks likely to be Iran. This could come in the spring according to the Global Research website article:

The Pentagon to Send US Troops to Israel. Iran is the Unspoken Target

The article states a date of this spring. On going economic sanctions are a method of trying to push Iran to make an attack on a US target like a warship. However they do not have to actually attack themselves. For the US can blow up one of their own warships, putting the blame on Iran.

Thus it looks like the RV will not occur until after the war starts, which could occur in the northern hemisphere spring.

Most of the prophecy I am getting relates to the coming of Authority to the body of Christ. This does not have to occur at the same time as the RV of the dinar.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

My position has changed, to thinking it will happen before the upcoming war, read about the new position here:

Opening the Door of Heaven & RV Dinar

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