False beliefs and Doing Evil


False gods

Truth about Witchcraft and Magic

Worship of Mary

Truth About Aliens

False gods

Mother Nature is a false god

Mother Nature has not done it all for us

Mother Nature does not exist

Mother Nature is not real, and does not exist

Don’t believe in false gods

Do not worship false gods

Do not build statues {statuettes} of false gods or idols.

Do not pray to false gods

Do Not sacrifice animals to false gods

Do Not sacrifice to false gods

Do Not worship statues {statuettes} of false gods or idols.

The gods are not real, God the Father is real

The Father God is real, other gods are false

Do not Trust in false gods

Do Not Put your Trust in false gods

Do not make earthly treasures into statuettes of false gods or idols for worship.

Do not build altars to false gods.

Do not build places of worship for false gods.

Do not believe in the popular weak false god of Christianity, believe in the real living God.

Do not believe in false gods, believe in the living God.

Do not pray to the saints for they are dead and can not hear you.

Do not worship the saints

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Truth about Witchcraft and Magic

Witchcraft and magic are evil and a sin.

Witchcraft and magic are both abhorrent and an abomination.

Enchantments, divinations, charms and dealing with witches is evil and an abomination.

Do not consult witches, for that is evil.

Do not perform magic, for that is a sin and evil.

Do not perform enchantments, divinations, or charms for these are evil and an abomination.

Do not perform witchcraft, for that is a sin and evil.

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Worship of Mary

Mary the mother of Jesus is NOT OUR Mother

Mary the mother of Jesus is NOT YOUR Mother

Mary the mother of Jesus is Not the wife of Our Heavenly Father

Mary the mother of Jesus is Not the Holy Queen

Mary the mother of Jesus is Not the Queen of Heaven

Mary the mother of Jesus is Not the Mother of the Church

Mary the mother of Jesus is Not the Co-Mediator between God and Mankind, for there is only one Mediator, Christ Jesus {1 Timothy 2:5}

Do Not worship Mary

Mary did not have a Immaculate Conception

Mary was not supernaturally taken up into Heaven

Our salvation is Not based upon the holy Virgin Mary, but upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Mary is not a holy Virgin, for she had children

Do not pray to Mary for she is dead and can not hear you.

Mary did Not live a sinless life, for all have sinned and are wanting of the glory of God {Romans 3:23}

Mary did not stay a virgin, for Joseph knew his wife

Mary is not the saviour, Jesus Christ is the saviour

Mary the Not the Queen of Heaven

Mary is NOT YOUR Mother

Mary is NOT OUR Mother

Mary is NOT the Mother of us all

Mary is Not the Holy Queen

Mary is Not the wife of Our Heavenly Father

Mary can Not intercede for you, for she is Dead

Marry is not the mother of Almighty God

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Truth About Aliens

There are no aliens on other planets

There are no UFOs visiting form other planets

UFOs do not come from other planets

There are no alien races out there in the universe

There are no aliens from other planets visiting the earth

Aliens do not exist on other planets

Aliens are not going to come from other planets to visit this earth, because they do not exist.

No one has encountered aliens from other planets.

You will not encounter aliens from other planets.

No UFO, is a spacecraft from another planet.

No one has been abducted by aliens form other planets.

This planet will not be attack by nonexistent aliens from other planets.

No government is covering up encounters with aliens from other planets.

No government has secret alien UFO technology.

There have been no abductions by aliens from space.

Aliens from outer space will not invade the earth, because there are no aliens out there.

God did not create extraterrestrials.

Just because there are lots of stars, it does not automatically mean there are extraterrestrials.

There is no probability of extraterrestrials evolving on another planets, because evolution can not happen at all.

The stars are not there for other planets, they are there for signs and to provide light to the earth. {Genesis 1:14-18}

Extraterrestrials DO NOT Exist

Do not worship Extraterrestrials, for they do not exist

No UFOs contain Extraterrestrials, for they do not exist

No UFOs are spacecraft containing Extraterrestrials, for they do not exist

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Short Messages