Leaving Egypt and the Door of Heaven

21 February 2016

By Mark Farquharson

In the last entry I covered Dr Jones fast, I will be covering that again.

As I said in the last entry Dr Jones finished his 40 day fast on the last day of the first cleansing cycle, and that was when there was a sign to do with the Open Door, Door of Heaven. However it was also the anniversary of the day he left a type of Egypt. Back in early 1990 he was living in Memphis, Tennessee. There is a Memphis in Egypt, thus he was living in a type of Egypt. He left Memphis, on January 27 1990. Over two decades later he finishes his fast on the same day.

What is my point here, well the Door of Heaven will open, the Open Door, at the end of a future 40 day period, and at that time we the chosen, Sons of God, will leave spiritual Egypt. However as I point out last time I do not believe this will occur at the end of the current cleansing cycle which finishes on April 12 2016. In fact the forty day period will come after the current second cleansing cycle and finish on May 22 2016. I will not be going over that material again here as I just covered it. Please refer to last entry here:

Watch Date For Outpouring & Open Door: May 22 2016

The spiritual work at the Fed that I mentioned last time relates to us leaving Egypt. James used the oil “Exodus II,” there will be another exodus as we leave Egypt. He also used the oil “Egyptian Gold,” for when we leave, we will take the gold of Egypt, just like the Israelites did when they left Egypt.

Israel left Egypt on first Passover, we will leave Egypt at second Passover. I got the sign of the Greatest Passover on the July 4 2012, this being the date of the USA's Independence Day. Why on Independence Day, because this Greatest Passover to come will be link to the USA, the link is the Federal Reserve.

Last time I mentioned the extension to the magazine subscription from the 16 November to the 30 November 2015. I got this sign on May 8 2015, and on the same day I got the sign "Just the 15 to go," the 15 day period being May 8-22.

This year on February 2nd there was another magazine that was also extend, by two weeks until July 4th. Thus it has be extended to Independence Day, and the day I got the sign of the Greatest Passover. I do think the two extensions are connect, I showed last time the link between May 22 and November 30.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2016

This is the second entry in the series "Watch Date May 22 2016" click below for the rest of the series:

Watch Date May 22 2016

Open Door Ministry
