Updates 2015

8 November: New Journal Entry: Delays to End, Outpouring, Opening of Gate, November 30

23 October: Updated to two sequences.

17 October: New Journal Entry: The Timing of the Gate and the Outpouring of the spirit

4 October 2015: Updated a number of sequences, these are under the heading sequences in the Journal. Sorry I have not done any new Journal entries. I got and interesting sign to do with bees, two years ago I was alerted to a swarm of bees on branch of a tree, exactly two years later on the same date I observed another swarm of bees in a different tree blocking the path, I said I would go around to a person in a house.

8 August: New Journal Entry: The Long Awaited Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Covers signs indicating the 4 or 5 October for the outpouring.

2 August: Added even more new material to the article: Reincarnation, this time about John the Baptist not being the reincarnation of Elijah.

Sorry that I have not been doing journal entries. There have been signs that the outpouring might now be 4 or 5 October. However there may be another outpouring after this on the 22 of a future fifth Hebrew month or May of some year. Hence the signs around the 22 May earlier this year.

30 June: Added new material to the article: Reincarnation, about what Jesus meant when he said you had to be born again.

9 June: New Journal Entry: No Delays, No Waiting, Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

I have separated the Outside actives in the "Study into Religious Places that I have been to in Auckland, New Zealand," and included lists of places.

31 May: Updated article: "Study into Religious Places that I have been to in Auckland, New Zealand," now up to 28 May 2015.

10 May: New Journal Entry: Outpouring, Dreams, Books, & a Table

I can not seem to get the entry into the Open Door Ministry section, however there is a link on the journal page and there will be a link on the home page, I will work on getting a link in the section. Update, I have now got the entry into the section.

10 May: It just shows how low my readership is when no one point out the fact that I had an update for the the 13 May, when that date has not even come yet. Unless some people thought that someone else would point it out.

13 April: Edited & updated the entry: The Coronation Period & Bridge

Thinking over what I said in that entry I decided that some info could be incorrect or could confuse the reader. I am sorry about that, and have now fix up the entry.

11 April: Journal Entry: The Coronation Period & Bridge

5 April: Updated sequences 1 & 3, in the entry, Other Sequences.

15 March: Updated sequence 3, in the entry, Other Sequences.

2 March: New Journal Entry: The Coronation, the Gate, 115, 318

New watch dates, early April.

9 February: New journal entry: Other Usage of the Word Pegasus. This is currently the last in this series, however these entries maybe updated from time to time with new info.

8 February: New journal entry: Meaning of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. After getting an email on the biblical meaning of Pegasus, I decided to post the biblical meaning separately along with the Greek and other stuff from the Signs post.

7 February: New journal entry: Winged Horse Statues. I am trying to understand what the signs of Pegasus mean for the future, the location of statues and how any could connect to the signs in someway. I may also do an entry covering other uses. If you have info on a statue that is not on the list please contact me.

2 February: New journal entry: Winged Horse Signs

30 January: New journal entry: Other Sequences

27 January: New journal entry: St Lukes Mall signs & the Music signs

26 January: New Song: Feeling the Blues, Remember God Loves You

25 January: For a change a draft of New Song: The Darkness Comes, But the Light is Stronger

24 January: New journal entry: Sign of 210, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. I decided to post this information separately.

23 January: New journal entry: Te Atatu South to Te Atatu Peninsula. This is another sequence. I may put some sequences in a Other sequences post, as I do not have much to comment on them at this stage.

22 January: New journal entry: Alan Wood Park to Three Kings. This is the forth in a new series about sequences. I will probably not keep up with posting a journal entry each day.

21 January: New journal entry: Heron Park to Coyle Park or MOTAT. This is the third in a new series about sequences. It has two end points, either Coyle Park or alternatively MOTAT, a museum.

20 January: New journal entry: St Thomas Shop to Manawa Wetlands. This is the sequence that I was shown back in 2012, that relates to some of the places in the "Study into Religious Places that I have been to in Auckland, New Zealand." This is the second in a new series about sequences. While I have gone through past entries to find information, there will also be new information about the sequences in the up coming entries.

19 January: New journal entry: Coronation Bridge to Henderson Valley. This is the start of a new series of entries about sequences. One may think these are just places, but I view them as sequences, that is a series of events. I have mentioned sequences before, now they will be easier to find. I have gone through past entries to find information. Why would God put in place these sequences just for me, I do not think they are just for me, it is that he has shown them to me. They are for revelation about what is to come.

17 January: Updated the article: "Study into Religious Places that I have been to in Auckland, New Zealand," Update to the 8 January 2015. There is a sequence back in 2012, that relates, I may post this on a separate page.

11 January: Updated the article: "Study into Religious Places that I have been to in Auckland, New Zealand," Update to end 23 July 2014. I have now split out the years, and the List of Places. I have done up to the 27 August 2014 in my notes for overall list, but this has to be detailed in my notes to the other sections, before be transferred.

I am thinking of doing a journal entry on the up coming watch date of 29 January.

9 January: Updated the article: "Study into Religious Places that I have been to in Auckland, New Zealand," Small update to end of April 2014. I have gotten behind in this study. How I am now working on it. I have done more in my notes getting up to 24 July 2014, but these are not typed up as of yet. It is now eight parts as Waikumete Cemetery has it's own page. I could also split out the years from the overall list.

Sorry I did not do much in the way of articles in 2014 or journal entries apart from ones on signs and watch dates.

Updates 2014