Outpouring to Come in Third Month

15 August 2012

By Mark Farquharson

The disciples had to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. After Jesus resurrection at firstfruit they had to wait until Pentecost. In the year that started on the 21 June 2012, there has been first Passover 4 July and second Passover 2 August. Firstfruit to do with second Passover was on the 5 August. After this second Passover and firstfruit we are also I believe in a waiting period for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I believe that in the sequences I have been shown that we are at the point of the outpouring, but we have to wait as they did. I am not saying that we have to wait as long as they did. I incorrectly thought that it was an eight day wait, given the Thomas indication. How long then do I now think this wait will be?

As I have said in recent entries there is the date of the 22 August for the bridge. If I am correct about this date in the sequences, then it should occur before this date. Of course if I am incorrect then it will probably be after. Given where I think we are in the sequences then I think it should be before this date. In one sequence it involves going through a Unitec, a place of learning. My thinking then is that the knowledge, glory and outpouring should come before exiting the Unitec and going the short distance to the bridge. In this sequence that has the Unitec, I believe that we are in the Unitec.

Which brings me back to a sign I got on the 14 March 2012. On that day I got the sign of the Langham Hotel, the Great Room. There was a sequence I was shown that ended on the 30 March 2012, that is 16 days later. I will not get into that sequence here. On the 3 August I again got the Langham Hotel, the Great Room sign. I briefly thought of the period here, but that had been a different sequence. Adding 16 days on to the 3 August you get the 19 August. Looking at the Hebrew calendar it is the 1 Elul. In terms of the year started on the 21 June it will be the start of the third month. There is a sign of the number 15 to do with the 17 August, this will be the fifteenth day, of the 16 day count.

In the days of Hezekiah the whole nation observed the second Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2 Chronicles 30. Unleavened Bread they extended for a week {2 Chronicles 30:23}. Then in the third month the provision come to the priests.

2 Ch 31:4 And he {Hezekiah} said to the people, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to give the portion of the priests, and of the Levites, so that they are strengthened in the law of Yahweh;" {CLV}

2Ch 31:6-7 And the sons of Israel and Judah, those dwelling in cities of Judah, they also a tithe of herd and flock, and a tithe of the holy things that are sanctified to Yahweh their Elohim {God}, have brought in, and they give--heaps, heaps;" in the third month they have begun to lay the foundation of the heaps, and in the seventh month they have finished. {CLV}

We are also waiting on the provision which is the ninth sign, and we are also priests. The ninth sign of Elijah, the first sign of Elisha occurred at the time of the firstfruits of barley. Assuming that this pattern applies this time, then the two weeks for Unleavened Bread are week 1: 3 -9 August, week 2: 10-16 August and third month starts 19 August.

On the 2 August I went past Christ the King Catholic Church and School. Today the 15 August I again went pasted the school, I noticed it was close to the bridge that was opened 22 August last year. I briefly entered the Christ the King Catholic Church, which is a bit further along the road. There I noticed a pamphlet for the Sisters of Nazareth. After leaving the building I noticed the large column with the letters INRI at the top. The initials are the Latin title that was written on the cross, "Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm," the English translation is “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” Actually the title on the cross was written in three languages Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin {John 19:19-22}. This for me connects back to second Passover on the 2 August. I am taking this as a sign that the chosen will be revealed just before the time of the bridge comes around the 22 August.

From the Queen’s Jubilee 4 June, to the 19 August is 76 days which is a cleansing period. The Canada Gathering is on the 17-19 August.

The next city to hold the Olympic games in 2016 is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The logo for those games is three figures embraced at the arms, in a triple hug representing the Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro is a giant statue of Christ, named Christ the Redeemer. It is the fifth largest statue of Christ at 39.6 metres {130 ft} tall, including its 9.5 metres (31 ft) pedestal, and 30 metres (98 ft) wide. It overlooks the city, at the peak of the Corcovado mountain, 700-metre (2,300 ft) in the Tijuca Forest National Park.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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