Exodus, Outpouring & Revalue

11 May 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Recall that I went Ten Pin Bowling on the 24 April 2013. At the time I thought that it could be day 199, as it was 199 Lincoln road, Henderson. However my thinking now is that it could indicate day 199 of the prophetic year, which would be 15 May 2013. This would fit with a sign I got of two weeks, which I got on the 1 May 2013. Thus 15 May is a watch date. This could link to the exodus, as at the bowling I got signs which link to the work done at the

Atlanta Federal Reserve. The work done at the Fed had signs linking to the Exodus, these being the wheelchair from a company called “Genesis II” and the oils, “Exodus II” and “Egyptian Gold.” More of this is covered in the entry: “Signs Thomas, Bowling & the Revalue

Recall that on the 21 April 2013, I got signs to do with a wedding and a ring. As I noted at the time the sign of the ring came on the 21 June 2001. Thus both occurred on the 21, of the month. If I compare April then to June, this would make May like July if it is a pattern.

This brings me to Pentecost, for Jesus said to wait in Jerusalem until Pentecost came, which was when the out pouring of the Holy Spirit occurred. Most view Pentecost as a seven week count from wave-sheaf. However I view it as a seven week count plus a fifty day count, which makes it 99 days. I will not go into the explanation for that in this short entry. This is covered in the article: True Count to Feast of Weeks and Pentecost

If one takes Wave-sheaf as the 31 March, then the 99th day would be the 7 July. However if May is like July then it could occur in May. If I go back 99 days from the 15 May, I get the date 6 February. On that day I was walking though Western Springs which is a park with a lake. A man dropped a towel, as he walked along. I picked it up and said to him “You dropped something.” The Holy Spirit is the living water.

The month of July can be like the seventh Hebrew month. Of course the seventh Hebrew month is later in the year. Thus the 15 May could then be like the 15 of the seventh Hebrew month. In the seventh Hebrew month is feast of Tabernacles, going from the 15 to the 22.

On the 5 May I got a sign of Easter and a sign of a rainbow. I am not sure of there meaning at this time. It could have indicated an extra week of unleavened bread as in the days of Hezekiah, 2 Chronicles 30. At that time the provision started in the third month, which has just started.

Which brings us to the revalue of the dinar. Again looking at the number form Julius dream of 205. Day 205 of the prophetic year is 21 May 2013. Thus this is a possibility for the revalue.

Another watch date is the 25 May which is the 16 of the third Hebrew month, which is when Moses went up the mount to start the 40 days and observed the sapphire.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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