Crowning the King, is this to do with My Revelation?


By Mark Farquharson

There is the spiritual kingdom and the physical kingdom. The spiritual kingdom is inside the chosen, the brethren those who truly believe. That exists already spiritually, but that does not rule out the coming physical kingdom. There will be a greater union of Christ and the brethren when Christ returns. The physical kingdom is still to come, after the return of Christ. The chosen will rule over the rest of mankind. I also believe there will be an actual structure that the chosen will live in. That was just a brief go over a lot more can be find in the articles section.

Back in October 1997 the Promise Keepers Crown Jesus as the king. 1607, that was when the Jamestown colony was established. From then to 1997 was 390 years, and now this year there will be a repeat of the event in same manner. It is now 390 years since 1620, the time since the theme of “No King in Israel” has applied to America. Now there are a lot of people and groups who call themselves the “Promise Keepers” however I don’t mean those groups. This would have been certain people of the true brethren. I don’t know if that includes me somehow this time round, I don’t know, I certainly was not part of the 1997 event.

I do not know when this event will take place. Of course this does not mean Christ is coming back this year, He did not come back in 1997.

Now relating this back to my revelation of 8-8-8-4. The gematria of Jesus is 888. This means my revelation might have something to do with the up coming crowning of Jesus. That is it might do, then again it might not. However I do not know how it connects with me or even if it does. When I had the dream the years where to do with my life, well that is what I thought, I certainly don’t have any connection to that time. Does it have some revelation to do with New Zealand. Well the first colonies where established back in the late 1790’s. It has been 210 years since 1800, I don’t know if that is it.

But how does NZ connect to America, that I don’t know, I don’t even know if there is a connection.

However Christ will not just be the king of the American people, or just King of the Jews, Christ is going to be King of all the nations.

Why 4, well the stars where created on day four. 4 is also to do with sets, there are a number of sets of 4. There are four seasons, 4 elements {Air, Water, Earth, Fire}, 4 lunar phases, 4 beast of Daniel.

4 kingdoms that form the statue in Daniel. Three of these kingdoms are long gone, and one still exists, but has changed over time. The five kingdom that is still to come, the Kingdom of the Heavens, destroys the statue. A lot more info can be find in the article: Fourth Kingdom is Rome

I am not sure this is the meaning, but as I stated, that does not mean Christ will return this year.

Unless it is to do with the stars, it could relate to an earlier revelation, about me telling the world about my Love for God. In that revelation I was told to tell the stars. Now stars can refer to people, as Abrahams descendants’ would also be as numerous as the stars {..and, abundantly multiply, thy seed, as the stars of the heavens, Genesis 22:17}. Thus God was tell me to tell a lot of people. Refer: God told me to tell the world that "I love God"

Now again it could be that, then again maybe not.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010