The Ability to Increase Money


By Mark Farquharson

Ten months ago I had a revelation about the numbers 15 and 20, but I did not know what that revelation meant. I have just find out the meaning of this revelation. It is not to do with the numbers 15 and 20. It is the fact that 20 is larger than 15, the percentage increase does not matter.

The word “From” is part of the revelation. As in “From 15.” From $15, I can get $20.

How do you get more money? One way would be to gamble, put down a bet of $15, win $20, meaning I made $5. But there is another way, that does not involve gambling and is not illegal.

Remember when Jesus feed the multitudes?

Matthew 14:15-17 Now, evening coming on, the disciples come to Him, saying, "This place is a wilderness, and the hour already passed by. Dismiss, then, the throngs that, coming away into the villages, they should be buying themselves food." Yet Jesus said to them, "They have no need to be coming away. You give them something to eat." Yet they are saying to Him, "Nothing have we here except five cakes of bread and two fishes." {CLV}

The disciples explained to Jesus that they did not have enough food.

Matthew 14:18-21 Now He said, "Bring them here to Me." And, ordering the throngs to recline on the grass, taking the five cakes of bread and the two fishes, looking up into heaven, He blesses them, and, breaking them, He gives the cakes of bread to the disciples, yet the disciples to the throngs." And they all ate and are satisfied. And they pick up of the superfluous fragments twelve panniers full. Now those eating were about five thousand men, apart from women and little children." {CLV}

Yet Jesus blessed the food and give the food to the disciples. Form that small amount of food there was more than enough to feed the throngs. There were superfluous fragments twelve panniers full. There was actually greater than 5000 people, for it was five thousand men, apart from women and little children. Thus it could have been 15000 or even more. There was also another time that He feed the throngs.

Matthew 15:32-33 Now Jesus, calling His disciples to Him, said, "I have compassion on the throng, for already three days they are remaining with Me, and they have nothing that they may be eating, and I am not willing to dismiss them fasting, lest at some time they may be fainting on the road." And the disciples are saying to Him, "From whence, in a wilderness, is so much bread for us, so as to satisfy so much of a throng? {CLV}

The disciples did not know how they were going to feed the throng.

Matthew 15:34-38 And Jesus is saying to them, "How many cakes of bread have you? Now they said, "Seven, and a few small fishes." And, charging the throng to lean back on the earth, He took the seven cakes of bread and the fishes, and, giving thanks, He breaks them and gave them to the disciples, yet the disciples to the throngs." And they all ate and are satisfied. And of the superfluous fragments they pick up seven hampers full. Now those eating were about four thousand men, apart from women and little children." {CLV}

Again there is more than enough to feed the throng.

Going back to the money. How do I get more money from what I have? I increase it. Thus if I want to pay for something and I do not have enough money, I will be able to increase the money to more than enough to pay for that. This I believe will be one of the abilities the chosen will get, when the Birthright comes. Thus those who get the Birthright will have enough money to carry out the work ahead, by increase the money they have. The Birthright is coming very soon, with in the next few days, hence why I just got this knowledge.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010

Open Door Ministry
